Pastry Brushes: Snacking's Trump Card

Sometimes all you need to pep up a snack is a little bit of pizazz. Instead of pouring a bit of dip or a dollop of nut butter into a dish to put on the side of your snack, consider making it into a line on the plate and arranging the rest of the snack on top of it. How do you make this look its best? With a pastry brush, of course!

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myplate, nutrition basic Stephanie Ronco myplate, nutrition basic Stephanie Ronco

Dairy Month Quiz!

It's Dairy Month! Do your clients know what foods fit into MyPlate's dairy food group? How about the role of calcium in good health? Or how many servings of dairy are recommended each day? Help your clients get those answers -- and more -- with this fun and engaging quiz!

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cooking Stephanie Ronco cooking Stephanie Ronco

Teriyaki Grilled Salmon

This exclusive members-only post is all about the basics of grilling fish. It's got great photos, a new PDF handout, and fantastic grilling tips...

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weight control Stephanie Ronco weight control Stephanie Ronco

Reader Request: Burning Off Beverage Calories

After researching the most common sugary drinks and their typical servings sizes, I used my handy-dandy exercise calculator to find out how much work it would take to burn off the calories in popular beverages. I turned what I found into a new handout, which you can download for free today!

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nutrition facts panel Stephanie Ronco nutrition facts panel Stephanie Ronco

Which Grains Contain Too Much Salt?

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that people "Reduce daily sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) and further reduce intake to 1,500 mg among persons who are 51 and older and those of any age who are African American or have hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease." Where better to start than by reducing their intake of sodium-laden refined grains?

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weight control Stephanie Ronco weight control Stephanie Ronco

3 Ways to Improve Portion Control

By now, I bet your clients have already learned the basics of portion control. I've offered tons of handouts about ways to get started and manage portions effectively, and I've gotten to hear about lots of amazing portion control activities from you, you wonderful readers. But is that all there is to the portion control story? I say no, and that's why I'm presenting 3 new ways to improve portion control.

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