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Member-Only Articles
Fun Halloween Recipes!
Want to get your clients excited about the upcoming holiday in a healthful way? Try one of these spooky Halloween recipes!
Another Possible Cause of Obesity
Our bodies have a strong appetite for protein, but we overeat fats and carbohydrates instead. Why? Find out in the latest from Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD.
After School Snack: Apple Nachos
Skipping Breakfast But Still Looking to Lose Weight? Here are Some Tips...
Outside the Cereal Box: When Should You Eat Breakfast?
Peanut Butter Board
If you're following any social media channels you'll see all kinds of butter boards. We all love butter, but not that much. I was making a snack in my kitchen and thought this might make a great alternative...
Top Halloween Resources
Here are some strategies to help your clients and students make this the best Halloween ever...
Set Your Table for National Family Meals Month
Family meals offer a wealth of health from head to toe. Keep reading to learn more...
Tips for Building an Anti-Inflammatory Eating Pattern
New research underscores what we already knew -- an anti-inflammatory eating pattern is great for your health...
Fun with Fall Fruit
Today is all about cooking with apples and figs...
Building Blocks of Health: Dairy
The Building Blocks of Health series is cruising right along and today is all about... dairy!
It's Time for Spring Fun with Berries!
Spring is finally, finally in the air and one of the things I'm most excited about every year is fresh spring berries.
Positive Resolutions: Go for Fruit
April is the fourth month of our Positive Resolutions for 2021 project. This project has been available exclusively to members, but I've been so excited about it that I want to share it more widely, which is why our post for April is available to all!
Bite of the Week: 3 Great Recipes for Heart Month!
February is Heart Month, and a big part of taking care of your heart is what you eat. That's why I've put together three of my very favorite heart-healthy recipes for you to share with your clients...
Meal Planning Guide
When it comes to food and health, no one size fits all and it doesn’t have to...
Bite of the Week: Added Sugars
In our first Bite of the Week, we issued a MyPlate weekend challenge to you and your clients: make your plate look like MyPlate for at least one meal per day during the weekend. We loved your response, so we're back with another one!
Fasting Over Feasting
New research is finding that fasting may be a better option for weight loss than we thought. It may also provide a whole host of other benefits...
Overnight Oats: Nutrition and Food Safety
Over the past few years, we’ve been hearing that eating raw or uncooked flour can be a food safety risk and many wonder if raw oatmeal could have the same problem...
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