Welcome to Food and Health Communications. Our mission is to create delicious content about food and its connection with health.
Who We Are
Headquartered in Southern California, Food and Health Communications, Inc. is a privately owned culinary, publishing and design company that has been in business for over 30 years. We do not accept advertising. Editorial integrity always comes first. Our content is based on peer-reviewed science, MyPlate, and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. We love to create beautiful, memorable, and engaging content as well as a database of recipes for menus.
What We Do
Here on foodandhealth.com, we publish newsletters, handouts, presentations, and a fantastic library of nutrition articles and recipes for educators and anyone who needs to communicate a variety of essential nutrition- and health-based messages.
We also have a fully equipped media studio for recipe development, photos, videos, reels, and other delicious content! We create for both this platform and also for clients. Check out the visual creations at judydohertyphotography.com or contact us.
Premium membership to foodandhealth.com features a complete online library of educational resources for food and nutrition topics and monthly updates, including white-label nutrition newsletters, handouts, recipes, expert advice, research articles, presentation ideas, activities, and more, all for nutrition and health professionals.
We also create all materials in our online Nutrition Education Store.
So, what makes us stand out from the crowd?
Our vision. We are creative, inspired, and passionate about what we do.
Our experience. We have been creating nutrition and health education materials for over 25 years. We're dedicated to making great content.
A proven 5-star customer service record.
We're a National Strategic Partner with the USDA’s MyPlate
Our team excels in all facets of food and nutrition education. Registered dietitians provide constant updates about consumer trends, the latest research, new guidelines, and changes in food manufacturers. Our publisher and lead photographer is a chef with a master’s degree from the Culinary Institute of America. Our staff writer and social media manager is a professional editor with years of experience.
We have integrity. We accept no advertising revenue from the food industry or any outside entities. Our funds come from memberships on this website, our design services, our studio, and our online e-commerce store.
Our professionally credentialed editors use peer-reviewed journals for all articles and resources; all material meets the Dietary Guidelines for Americans publication criteria and is up-to-date with all major professional health entities, including the USDA, MyPlate, The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, WHO, National Institute of Health, Institute of Medicine, and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
We are committed to being current, accurate, and engaging.
Creative studio. We create original work with health professional writers, graphic designers, and photographers.
We have a growing customer base of over 70,000 professionals.
Thousands of customers include:
We serve government, health, education, and private sectors: doctors, dietitians, public health, universities, cooperative extensions, food service directors, nurses, pharmacies, diabetes educators, corporate wellness, weight loss, chefs, schools, cardiac rehab, and family and consumer science educators.
A&M Academy, Aging, AgriLife Allen and Arizona, Assisted B Barbara California, Avocados from Mexico, Canyon Care Cedar Center, Children's Chrysler, Clair Claire Cleveland Clinic, Colorado, Company, Cooperative Cornell Corporation, County Dairy Department Department, Dept Diabetes Diego, Dimensions, District, Drug, Eau Extension, Farmers Farms, Fitness Florida Florida, Food Foundation, Francis Fry's Gamble, Health Health, High Hospital Hospital, Hotel Idaho, Jefferson Joseph Jude Kaiser Key Lion Living, Madison, Maryland, Mayo Medcal Medical Mexico, Michigan Michigan, Minnesota, NASA, Naval New Nursing, Nutrition of Office, Ohio Oil on Oneida Ontario, Oregon OSU Our Owatonna Parish Pawnee Peak Pearson Pediatrics, Penn Pepsico, Perdue Permanente, Philadelphia Phoenix Polaski Pomona Positive Potts Prevea Princeton Procter Program, Providence Public Purdue Red Rush Rutgers Saint Sajai San Santa School School, Schools, Seattle Seminole Services, Shannon Share Shell Signature Sigonella, Spokane Springdale St St. State Strength, Susan Texas The Training, Tribe Twins, UC Unified University University, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, USAF, UT, UWEX, VA Virginia, Walgreens, Washington WIC, WSU, Wyoming, Yale, YMCA, York Zoo, and many more!
FHC's work has been used and featured by college nutrition textbooks, Inside Triathlon Magazine, Pritikin Longevity Center, The Calorie Density Solution Book (Robert Pritikin), Global Gourmet Solutions, Dupont and Webmd.com, Nutrio.com, Princess House, Williams Hospitality, Kellogg, City of Houston WIC program, Mediterranean Foods Alliance (grand prize recipe), PBS television, Pastry Art and Design Magazine, Chocolatier, Bon Appetit, Grand Finales, and more.
About our Founder and Executive Editor, award-winning Chef Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII:
Judy’s passion for cooking began with helping her grandmother make raisin oatmeal for breakfast. She earned her first food service job at 15, was accepted to the Culinary Institute of America at 18 (where she graduated second in her class), and went on to the Fachschule Richemont in Switzerland, where she focused on pastry arts and baking. She was an executive pastry chef for Hyatt Resorts for over eight years. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree, graduating summa cum laude with distinction from Johnson and Wales University. She then earned a Master of Professional Services Degree for Business from the Culinary Institute of America. She holds two visual art and professional graphic design certificates from UC Berkeley Extension. Judy enjoys recipe development and food photography, as well as being a fine artist.
Executive Editor
Judy Doherty, MPS, PC II
Contributing Writers
Lisa Andrews, MEd, RDN
Hollis Bass, MEd, RDN
Lynn Grieger, RDN, LDN
James J. Kenney, PhD, FACN
Jo Lichten, PhD, RD
Victoria Shanta Retelny, RD, LD
Beth Rosen, MS
Lauren Swann, MS, RD
Cheryle Syracuse, MS
Jill Weisenberger, MS, RD, CDE
Editorial Advisory Board
Stephanie Correnti, BS, RD
Jill Eisenberg, RDH, MS, RD, CDN
James J. Kenney, PhD, FACN
Alice Henneman, MS, RD
Barbara Hart, MS, RD, LDN
Karla Logston, RN, BS, CDE
Linda Rankin, PhD, RD, LD, FADA
Cheryle Syracuse, MS
Customer Service:
Email us or call us at 800-462-2352
Point of Contact:
Food and Health Communications, Inc
24930 Washington Ave #821
Murrieta, CA 92564
Phone: 800-462-2352
Fax: 800-433-7435
Email: Email us
Trademarks and Web Properties:
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Contact us.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.