cooking Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII cooking Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Fig Grilled Chicken Dinner

Figs abound in the stores now. They are delicious all by themselves, but sometimes it's hard to use them all up before they start to be less than their best. That's when I turn to recipes like this -- they take advantage of delicious seasonal produce and offer totally new ways to use it.

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dietary guidelines, cooking, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco dietary guidelines, cooking, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Summer Fun and New Resources: Part One

This summer has been an especially busy one here at Food and Health Communications, and I want to make sure that you don't miss a single thing that could make your life easier! We've been researching, recipe testing, and starting new projects all summer long, devoting ourselves to exciting products that can breathe new life into nutrition education. So, what have we been up to?

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