3 Tips for Building a Healthier Future

The new year is just around the corner, and resolutions abound! Here's a guide that features 3 simple tips for building a healthier future. Share it with your clients today, and don't miss the free handout hiding at the bottom of this post!

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Gluten-Free and Nutrient Rich

Between celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and dietary choices, it seems like everyone knows at least a few people who are no longer eating gluten. However, just because you or a family member has given up gluten doesn't mean that you have to miss out on nutrients. Today I'd like to share a guide to a few of my favorite healthful, vitamin- and mineral-rich foods, all of which are free of gluten...

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What Do You Know About Oats?

High in vital trace minerals and unique antioxidants, oats can lower cholesterol levels and help you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They're also naturally gluten-free! What's not to love? Let's take a closer look at these nutrient powerhouses.

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Potassium and the Dietary Guidelines

What is potassium? Why is it a nutrient of concern? How can people increase their potassium intake? What impact does potassium have on health? Get the answers to all these questions -- and more! -- in today's post!

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Happy Health Education Week!

Happy Health Education Week! Here are some of the top health education resources that my team and I have created over the years. Since we're here to help you look your very best, right now, I thought I would collect our favorite posts on popular health topics and share them in one handy place! So here you go -- our top blog posts about heart health, diabetes, cancer, nutrition, and physical activity. Which ones will make your life easier?

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5 Top Tips to Reduce Sodium Intake

There are lots of ways to cut down on sodium. Here are a few tried-and-tested approaches to reducing the salt in your diet...

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Kids and the Benefits of Physical Activity

The CDC, AHA, and the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans all recommend that "Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day." Most of that activity should be aerobic exercise, with some muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening work thrown in too. But why be active every day? What are the benefits?

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Diabetes and Your Heart

If you are like many people with diabetes, you put a lot of effort into controlling your blood sugar numbers. You watch what you eat, prick your fingers, take your medications and more! But many people with diabetes forget that there are other health numbers that are just as important as blood sugar. These numbers are the ones that deal with the health of your heart...

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Might Reducing Salt Intake Promote ?Cardiovascular Disease?

The experience from England seriously undermines Dr. Oparil's editorial claim that the PURE study results ?... call into question the feasibility and usefulness of dietary sodium as a population-based strategy for reducing blood pressure.? This makes me wonder why none of the science writers and journalists who were so quick to parrot Dr. Oparil's opinions ever thought to ask why she believed the questionable data and opinions from the PURE researchers were not largely refuted by the real-life public health efforts ongoing in England.

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Do New Studies Refute the Benefits of Reducing Salt?

The claims being made by the authors of the two PURE articles are troubling because the preponderance of credible scientific data continues to show that elevated BP is the single greatest CVD risk factor in most populations. Data from controlled clinical trials show that dietary salt in excess of 1,500 mg/day is the #1 dietary cause of elevated BP.

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