Added sugars are everywhere, and they're bad news for your health. But how exactly can you find added sugars? Which foods have these in high doses? Find out in today's post...
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 were recently released and recommendations regarding added sugar intake have been included for the first time. Here's what you need to know...
In our first Bite of the Week, we issued a MyPlate weekend challenge to you and your clients: make your plate look like MyPlate for at least one meal per day during the weekend. We loved your response, so we're back with another one!
the dressing you pour on your salad can add a lot of unexpected calories, fat, sugar, and more! Take a look inside to see how your favorite dressing compares to the others...
We’ve heard the recommendation to reduce the amount of added sugar we consume in order to promote good health, but what exactly is added sugar? And what is the difference between added sugar and naturally-occurring sugars?
We're all familiar with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans' advice to reduce the amount of added sugars in our eating patterns. Today I want to talk about why that recommendation exists...
Member-Only Articles
Protect Your Microbiome
The key to good health is in your gut!
Sugar, Salt, Fat: Less is Best!
With unwanted weight gain comes unexpected chronic diseases...
Too Much Sugar: Not Too Sweet for Your Brain
What are Added Sugars?
Added sugars are everywhere, and they're bad news for your health. But how exactly can you find added sugars? Which foods have these in high doses? Find out in today's post...
Cake for Breakfast?
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020: The News About Sugar
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 were recently released and recommendations regarding added sugar intake have been included for the first time. Here's what you need to know...
Bite of the Week: Added Sugars
In our first Bite of the Week, we issued a MyPlate weekend challenge to you and your clients: make your plate look like MyPlate for at least one meal per day during the weekend. We loved your response, so we're back with another one!
Comparing Salad Dressings
the dressing you pour on your salad can add a lot of unexpected calories, fat, sugar, and more! Take a look inside to see how your favorite dressing compares to the others...
What's Juicy?
New Food Label Spotlight: Added Sugars, How sweet it is!
On your plate- fat, salt and sugar
What's the Difference Between Natural and Added Sugar?
We’ve heard the recommendation to reduce the amount of added sugar we consume in order to promote good health, but what exactly is added sugar? And what is the difference between added sugar and naturally-occurring sugars?
Holiday Challenge: Healthful Drinks
The holiday season is upon us -- do you have the tools you need to help your clients navigate its pitfalls?
Kick the (Soda) Can Down the Road
If you think that daily soda is only bad for your teeth and waistline, think again.
FNCE 2017 - Subtractions and Additions
Aging Well: Spotlight on Added Sugars
The typical American consumes enough added sugars to contribute to health problems...
Added Sugars and Your Health
We're all familiar with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans' advice to reduce the amount of added sugars in our eating patterns. Today I want to talk about why that recommendation exists...
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