Holiday Challenge: Healthful Drinks

The holiday season is upon us -- do you have the tools you need to help your clients navigate its pitfalls? Today I want to share one more resource that you can use: an excerpt from the Holiday Challenge Program. The Holiday Challenge Program is a 10-week workshop that can help clients practice healthful habits during the holidays. Take a look, and don't miss the free handout at the bottom of this post!Holiday Drinks Matter:Perhaps the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute said it best. “Many people don’t realize just how much sugar and calories we drink in a day.” When the holidays roll around, the calories skyrocket and the portions get more generous.The reason holiday drinks matter is threefold:

  • One, drinks often contain a surprising number of calories. Studies indicate that beverage calories do not help people feel full.
  • Two, weight gain goes up around the holidays. Every calorie counts when people want to maintain their weight.
  • Three, holiday beverages tend to be very high in sugar, fat, and calories. And if they are high in alcohol, then people often lose track of what they are eating too.

Healthful Alternatives:Instead of reaching for that big glass of eggnog, try these festive holiday alternatives…

  • Flavored waters. Pep up your water with slices of fresh fruit, some berries, or a few sprigs of mint or basil. This works well with sparkling water too!
  • Tea. Warm up with tasty hot tea — just skip the sugar. You can add fruits or herbs to teas as well. Try black, herbal, and green teas to find a flavor profile that works for you.
  • Cocoa. Make your cocoa with skim milk and nonfat cream. Garnish with cocoa powder, cinnamon, and/or nutmeg.
  • Fresh fruit smoothies. Combine ice and fresh fruit, then blend it up!

What did you think? If this information would be useful for your clients, don't miss the free PDF handout that features it...Holiday Challenge: Drinks[shopify embed_type="collection" shop="" product_handle="holiday"] 

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Stephanie Ronco

Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.


Holiday Wellness Challenge


Spice Up the Holidays