12 Simple Portion Control Tips
dietary guidelines, cooking, weight control, makeovers Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII dietary guidelines, cooking, weight control, makeovers Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

12 Simple Portion Control Tips

Trying to manage portion size can feel like a constant, impossible task. People face down huge portions at restaurants and are surrounded by oversized packages of processed foods at every turn. It can all get so overwhelming! Luckily, with a few simple tips, successful portion control can get easier! With the right management of your food supply and kitchen, you can enjoy your favorite foods without the portion distortion headaches...

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Food Diary Handout for Portion Control

Tracking what you eat and when you eat it is a great way to help improve eating patterns. In order to facilitate this process for your clients, I've created a brand new printable food diary handout....

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Feeding a Teen Vegetarian in 3 Steps

As kids stake claims to their independence when it comes to eating, more tweens and teens are experimenting with vegetarian and vegan diets. Parents may be concerned that their children are undernourished when adopting these eating patterns, but they can rest easy. Kids can thrive on plant-based diets. All parents need are these 3 steps for feeding a tween or teen vegetarian…

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