Best Portion Control Tips for Nutrition Month
As you know, one of the keys to this year's celebration of National Nutrition Month from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is "Go Further With Food." Now is a great time to think about being mindful with your food and how much you are eating.My team and I have spent years working on various portion control tips and tricks for your audience, and, as Nutrition Month comes to a close, I'd like to share a roundup of the best of them.Tip #1: Pre-Portion Your FoodYou'd be shocked at how much more you eat when you eat straight out of the bag or box instead of measuring out your portions before you snack. So, instead of bringing that box of crackers or bag of chips with you to the TV for a snack, put a single serving on a plate and bring that instead.Plus, this tip works well when it comes to freezing food. When you have leftovers, freeze them in individual portions. Not only is this more convenient, but it’s also a way to control your portions without having to make a fresh decision every time.Pre-measuring your snacks and portioning them in individual baggies so that you can simply "grab and go" for treats on the run is a great idea too!Tip #2: Be Mindful
Oh, and have you seen this free portion control handout we made featuring MyPlate? It's perfect for this month's theme!Plus, there's always more in the Nutrition Education Store!