The advice to “only eat foods that you can read and pronounce” is often misguided. Cyanocobalamin may be a big, unfriendly word to consumers, but in reality, it’s simply vitamin B12. Foods are often enriched with other ingredients to boost their nutritional content and health benefit...
A recent study on aging rats found a link to a diet high in processed food and signs of memory loss after just four weeks. The upside? Adding omega-3-fatty acid supplements helped prevent memory problems and decreased inflammatory effects in older rats...
The impact of omega-3s on the immune system has been investigated for decades and highlights a relationship between omega-3s, stress, our immune systems, and health...
Is your August newsletter ready yet? Today, I'd like to share some of our top ideas for an August newsletter. Feel free to try them out and let me know what you think!
The results of the ASCEND study and the recent Cochrane review add to the growing body of research that shows taking omega-3 supplements is of no help for treating or preventing CVD and will not reduce the risk of congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, and sudden cardiac death...
Remember when you could buy tuna canned in water or oil and these were the only options? Now the choices seem endless. Can or pouch? Light, albacore, or yellowfin? Lemon Dill or Spicy Thai Chili? Add in nutrition concerns like sodium and omega-3 fatty acids, and buying a simple can of tuna can be overwhelming! To cut through all the craziness, let’s take a closer look at tuna…
Member-Only Articles
Salmon Bowl With Red Chard and Garbanzo Beans
Functional Ingredients 101
The advice to “only eat foods that you can read and pronounce” is often misguided. Cyanocobalamin may be a big, unfriendly word to consumers, but in reality, it’s simply vitamin B12. Foods are often enriched with other ingredients to boost their nutritional content and health benefit...
Fish, Vascular Lesions, and Dementia Risk
A recent study found that moderate consumption of fish may help prevent vascular disease that may consequentially lead to dementia...
Processed Food May Decrease Processing in Your Brain
A recent study on aging rats found a link to a diet high in processed food and signs of memory loss after just four weeks. The upside? Adding omega-3-fatty acid supplements helped prevent memory problems and decreased inflammatory effects in older rats...
How to Get Enough Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Good Health
Now that we know omega-3 fatty acids are key to good health, let's explore how to get them through our eating patterns...
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Immunity
The impact of omega-3s on the immune system has been investigated for decades and highlights a relationship between omega-3s, stress, our immune systems, and health...
Ideas for Your August Newsletter
Is your August newsletter ready yet? Today, I'd like to share some of our top ideas for an August newsletter. Feel free to try them out and let me know what you think!
Do Omega-3s Reduce Heart Disease?
The results of the ASCEND study and the recent Cochrane review add to the growing body of research that shows taking omega-3 supplements is of no help for treating or preventing CVD and will not reduce the risk of congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, and sudden cardiac death...
Everything-Spiced Salmon
A delicious new way to serve baked salmon using a favorite spice from bagel bakers..
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Role of DHA
While DHA and EPA most often function together, DHA plays a starring role in several crucial areas...
Tuna: What Do You Know About It?
Remember when you could buy tuna canned in water or oil and these were the only options? Now the choices seem endless. Can or pouch? Light, albacore, or yellowfin? Lemon Dill or Spicy Thai Chili? Add in nutrition concerns like sodium and omega-3 fatty acids, and buying a simple can of tuna can be overwhelming! To cut through all the craziness, let’s take a closer look at tuna…
Offer a Fruit and Vegetable Challenge!
Finding and trying new fruits and vegetables can be a bit daunting. Help make exploring healthful flavors more fun with a quick and easy contest!
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