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Member-Only Articles
New Guidelines on Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk
The American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) have released updated guidelines on the important role of lifestyle choices in reducing cardiovascular risk...
Good Nutrition from Head to Toe
The food you eat affects every living cell in your body. From providing energy to padding organs, we need food for every part of our bodies. So, if you're looking for good health, try eating from head to toe...
Lifestyle Change Cuts Need for Blood Pressure Medications
The results of the recent twin study showing the strong association between high sodium intake and elevated BP that is independent of central adiposity coupled with Dr. Hinderliter’s study of the DASH diet and exercise program described here confirm research conducted at the Pritikin Center 35+ years ago. Overall, it seems clear that most patients diagnosed with elevated BP could lower their BP sufficiently to avoid the need for BP-drugs.
American Heart Association Blueprint for Healthy Eating
More Salt Promotes Hypertension
The impact of too much added salt over the long term is likely far greater than the relatively modest changes in BP observed in short-term clinical trials...
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Role of DHA
While DHA and EPA most often function together, DHA plays a starring role in several crucial areas...
Heart Diet Also Saves Brain
It is becoming increasingly clear that the adoption of a heart-healthy diet long promoted to reduce the risk of heart disease may also be the best way to protect the brain from not only stroke but also dementia...
Fun Facts About Brown Rice
There’s lots of reasons to swap your white rice for brown!
Kick the (Soda) Can Down the Road
If you think that daily soda is only bad for your teeth and waistline, think again.
Healthy Heart Puzzle
February is American Heart Month, so what better time is there to help children understand the impact of their choices on their own hearts?
Coconut, Saturated Fat, and Your Heart
"I'm sure everyone else is as confused as I am! I have been working with people with CVD for over 20 years, and I just can't figure out why there are two such polar camps regarding saturated fats and heart disease."Get the answers in this great new post!
Meal Timing and Frequency
In the early 1970s, meals made up 82% of adult calorie intake and snacks contributed 18%. Fast-forward to today, and meals make up 77% of calories while snacks contribute 23%.
Vegetarian Eating Patterns and Heart Disease
Overall, healthful plant-based foods were associated with lower risk of heart disease while unhealthful plant-based and animal-derived products were linked with a higher risk of disease...
New guidelines on fat intake to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease BY AHA
Say Yes to Cardiac Rehab
Cardiac rehab reduces the risk of death and future cardiac events, cuts down on hospitalizations, and improves quality of life...
What Can the Tsimane Teach Us About Heart Disease?
"These findings suggest that coronary atherosclerosis can be avoided in most people by achieving a lifetime very low LDL, low blood pressure, low glucose, normal BMI, no smoking, and plenty of physical activity."
Closing the Fiber Gap
Only 1 in 20 Americans consumes enough fiber...
Added Sugars and Your Health
We're all familiar with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans' advice to reduce the amount of added sugars in our eating patterns. Today I want to talk about why that recommendation exists...
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