Pastry Brushes: Snacking's Trump Card

Sometimes all you need to pep up a snack is a little bit of pizazz. Instead of pouring a bit of dip or a dollop of nut butter into a dish to put on the side of your snack, consider making it into a line on the plate and arranging the rest of the snack on top of it. How do you make this look its best? With a pastry brush, of course!

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Strawberry Sensation!

I've been studying 3-star desserts and presentations lately, and it has been super inspiring! Applying the same visual principles to healthful and balanced foods can make them look even more appealing. Plus, it's fun to put together a pretty plate of food. Here's my latest creation -- the Strawberry Snack Plate.

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cooking, snacks Stephanie Ronco cooking, snacks Stephanie Ronco

Inexpensive and Diabetes-Friendly Snacks

Having diabetes doesn't mean that you need to purchase “special” food! While watching quantity and portion size is important for people with diabetes, it doesn’t mean that what you eat has to taste bad. Here are some simple, inexpensive snacks for people with diabetes.

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breakfast, fruits and veggies, grains, cooking, snacks, makeovers, desserts Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII breakfast, fruits and veggies, grains, cooking, snacks, makeovers, desserts Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Healthy Recipe Center is Launched by Food and Health Communications

Food and Health Communications, Inc has just launched a new online healthy recipe center for nutrition educators and consumers. Professional chef, Judy Doherty PC II, who has a passion for healthy cooking and eating, created the recipes. They have been tested many times and published in a variety of publications, including: Communicating Food for Health Newsletter, USATriathlon Magazine, Diabetes Weight Loss Week by Week, food manufacturer sites and more.

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cooking, snacks, weight control, kids, desserts Stephanie Ronco cooking, snacks, weight control, kids, desserts Stephanie Ronco

Moderation and Cookies: Tips and Tricks for Healthful Eating

A whole batch of cookies offers way too many servings for the average household. At the same time, it can be more trouble than it's worth to scale down a recipe and mix minute portions of each ingredient. So, how can you solve the problem of excess versus extra effort? The answer is surprisingly simple!

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Healthful Snacking Secret Weapon

Here at Food and Health Communications, Inc, we know that healthful snacking can be tough. There are so many pitfalls and sneaky foods that seem healthful (but aren't), that navigating the snacking landscape can be more than a little daunting. That's why you need a secret weapon. In this case, the secret weapon is...

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breakfast, fruits and veggies, grains, snacks, desserts, kids Stephanie Ronco breakfast, fruits and veggies, grains, snacks, desserts, kids Stephanie Ronco

10 Tips for Food Photos and an Exciting New Store

We're so excited to announce the creation of an all new store in the Food and Health family. Now you can get appetizing and creative food photos with just the click of a button at The photos, taken by Judy Doherty, PC II are of a wide variety of culinary subjects and span a variety of moods from whimsical to haute cuisine.

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Apple A Day Savings Add Up!

It's not too late to celebrate Apple Month! We’ve all heard about the effects of an apple a day on the proximity of doctors, but did you ever stop to think about the actual ramifications of eating an apple a day? This single small decision, over the course of a year, can help you reduce calorie consumption, ward off excess weight, and reduce your health risks.

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