Learn About Added Sugars with SuperTracker

SuperTracker is an interactive tool available for free through the USDA’s Choose MyPlate initiative. With SuperTracker, you can plan, analyze, and track your daily food choices and physical activity.

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Self-Assessment Resources

MyPlate recommends 2 strategies for successful improvements to eating habits and lifestyle: focusing on long-term solutions instead of quick fixes, and self-assessing periodically. The post Resolutions into Solutions provided an introduction to these approaches, and now we'd like to go into more depth about those self-assessment resources...

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3 Tips for Building a Healthier Future

The new year is just around the corner, and resolutions abound! Here's a guide that features 3 simple tips for building a healthier future. Share it with your clients today, and don't miss the free handout hiding at the bottom of this post!

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Fill Half Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables at Each Meal

Fruits and vegetables are nutrition powerhouses, yet most people don't eat nearly enough of them each day! Let's take a look at the science behind MyPlate's recommendation to "fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal."

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Strategies for Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

The post Fill Half Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables at Each Meal highlighted the importance of filling your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal. Now we're going to discuss how to do it.

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Pear Fact Sheet

December is Pear Month, so today I want to celebrate with a fact sheet about pears! This post features a closer look at the common types of pears, their impact on health, and ways to incorporate them into a balanced eating pattern...

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Gluten-Free and Nutrient Rich

Between celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and dietary choices, it seems like everyone knows at least a few people who are no longer eating gluten. However, just because you or a family member has given up gluten doesn't mean that you have to miss out on nutrients. Today I'd like to share a guide to a few of my favorite healthful, vitamin- and mineral-rich foods, all of which are free of gluten...

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Vitamin D and the Dietary Guidelines

Here's the last installment of the Dietary Guidelines Nutrients of Concern series. Since the guidelines advise people to "Choose foods that provide more potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D, which are nutrients of concern in American diets," we've focused on discussing one of these nutrients per week. This week, we're going to talk about vitamin D...

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practitioner ideas and..., food news, myplate Stephanie Ronco practitioner ideas and..., food news, myplate Stephanie Ronco

What Consumers Want: An Update from the USDA MyPlate National Partners in Person Meeting

I just got back from the USDA MyPlate National Partners in Person meeting, and boy did I learn a lot! Much of the discussion revolved around consumers — how to communicate key health messages to them in a way that would resonate, how to keep them engaged in healthful habits, etc. I thought that you mind find this information as useful as I did, so here are my notes from those discussions…

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Potassium and the Dietary Guidelines

What is potassium? Why is it a nutrient of concern? How can people increase their potassium intake? What impact does potassium have on health? Get the answers to all these questions -- and more! -- in today's post!

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MyPlate Meal

One of the things I love about MyPlate is its practicality. Rather than asking you to imagine your daily eating habits as a pyramid, MyPlate simply rallies its viewers to make their plates look like its own image: a balanced plate. With half the plate devoted to fruits and vegetables, and the rest divided between protein and whole grains (with some nonfat dairy on the side), MyPlate presents a healthful approach to any meal or snack...

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