kids, myplate Stephanie Ronco kids, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Today is MyPlate's Birthday!

MyPlate turns 4 today -- how exciting! To celebrate, I want to offer you a free MyPlate book. My team and I have been working feverishly on a brand-new MyPlate book for health educators. It's got 10 chapters, complete with leader guides and handouts, and it's all for you, for free...

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kids, myplate Stephanie Ronco kids, myplate Stephanie Ronco

3 Interactive MyPlate Activities

After multiple reader requests, I put together a fun MyPlate sticker pack for the Nutrition Education Store, but today I decided that the activities were simply too fun to miss. So I'm offering a sneak peek on the blog, for free! Let's take a look at these activities -- which will you try first?

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myplate Stephanie Ronco myplate Stephanie Ronco

MyPlate 4-Step Plan for Summer

Tomorrow marks the official start of summer! How will your clients stay healthy and have fun? For some practical advice, we turn to MyPlate. Here are 4 easy steps for making the summer active, healthful, and a total blast...

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myplate Stephanie Ronco myplate Stephanie Ronco

MyPlate is Almost 3 Years Old!

Did you know that MyPlate, the new USDA food icon, is turning 3 in June? That's right! MyPlate was introduced to the world on June 2, 2011. We're celebrating by giving away some great educational materials, but you'll have to look closely! They're hiding in this post!

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Healthful Snacking Secret Weapon

Here at Food and Health Communications, Inc, we know that healthful snacking can be tough. There are so many pitfalls and sneaky foods that seem healthful (but aren't), that navigating the snacking landscape can be more than a little daunting. That's why you need a secret weapon. In this case, the secret weapon is...

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myplate Stephanie Ronco myplate Stephanie Ronco

Health Literacy Month and MyPlate

Did you know that October is Health Literacy Month? Well, now you do! One of the easiest ways that I've found to build health literacy is to consult MyPlate. MyPlate is the USDA's guide to healthful and balanced meals, setting up standards and guidelines for each meal. Today, I'm including a link to a free download of a MyPlate poster at the bottom of this post...

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dietary guidelines, budget, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco dietary guidelines, budget, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Happy Anniversary to MiPlato

We all remember that MyPlate's anniversary is in June, but the anniversary of MiPlato, the Spanish edition of MyPlate, can sometimes get forgotten during the back-to-school hustle and bustle. Well, here at Food and Health, we're not about to let that happen. September marks the second anniversary of MiPlato, and we're here to celebrate it!

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kids, myplate Stephanie Ronco kids, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Engage Kids in Nutrition Education

It can be tough to teach kids about the importance of nutrition, especially when the material is on the dry side. Yet eating well is hugely important for children, especially as they grow and play. Instead of staying up all night trying to find a fresh take on MyPlate, why not try this activity book on for size?

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