Video: Make a Better Slaw

This video highlights important knife skills alongside a step-by-step guide to preparing a healthful slaw that's light in fat but rich in flavor. It even features ways to make the slaw look most attractive when you serve it...

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Diabetes Lunch Ideas

Lunch is often a difficult meal because you only have a limited amount of time to eat and few food options. Here are some ideas to get you started…

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New Educational Resources + A Printable Nutrition Handout

The Getting Ready for 2017 catalog is here! In it, you will find all of our new and most popular educational resources, scientifically designed to make your job easier and your lessons more memorable...

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Eating More Fruits and Vegetables

Are you in a fruit and vegetable slump? It’s easy to get stuck eating the same things over and over. Green salad, tomatoes, carrots. Apples, bananas, grapes. Sound familiar? It may be time to mix things up!

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Diabetes Breakfast Buffet of Ideas

In this post, we summarized the latest research to make choosing a breakfast that will help you keep your energy levels up while feeling satisfied until lunch...

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3 Top Tips to Lower Sodium

"Americans consume too much sodium. High sodium consumption raises blood pressure, and high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Heart disease and stroke are the nation’s first and third leading causes of death"

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Iced Tea Month: A Perfect Opportunity for Nutrition Education

Iced tea is a beverage that can either be an integral part of a healthy eating pattern or a sneaky source of added sugars and empty calories. Celebrating Iced Tea Month offers a fantastic opportunity to help your audience rethink their drinks, leading them to make healthier choices that are lower in added sugars.

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