Kitchen Hacks: 2-Minute Berry Compote

At the end of the week, I often have berries that are becoming a little too soft to eat unadorned. Rather than throwing them away, here's what I do...

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Iced Tea Month: A Perfect Opportunity for Nutrition Education

Iced tea is a beverage that can either be an integral part of a healthy eating pattern or a sneaky source of added sugars and empty calories. Celebrating Iced Tea Month offers a fantastic opportunity to help your audience rethink their drinks, leading them to make healthier choices that are lower in added sugars.

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How to Create a Super Salad

The 2015-2020 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that the average person consume 2 cup equivalents of fruit per day and 2 ½ cup equivalents of vegetables per day. That may seem like a pile of produce, but there is a simple way to add fruits and vegetables into your eating patterns to maintain a healthy lifestyle...

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Boost Breakfast with Egg Cups!

Most mornings, a wholesome breakfast is sacrificed for extra sleep or racing the clock to get out of the house on time. However, nutrition doesn't need to be neglected if we plan ahead! Power up your breakfast with an easy recipe for egg cups and sacrifice nothing...

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Kitchen Hacks: Shortcuts to Fruits and Vegetables

MyPlate advises people to fill half their plates with fruits and vegetables at each meal, but sometimes this is easier said than done. Today's kitchen hacks will focus on ways to make that goal achievable!

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