Healthful Snacking Secret Weapon

Here at Food and Health Communications, Inc, we know that healthful snacking can be tough. There are so many pitfalls and sneaky foods that seem healthful (but aren't), that navigating the snacking landscape can be more than a little daunting. That's why you need a secret weapon. In this case, the secret weapon is...

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dietary guidelines, budget, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco dietary guidelines, budget, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Happy Anniversary to MiPlato

We all remember that MyPlate's anniversary is in June, but the anniversary of MiPlato, the Spanish edition of MyPlate, can sometimes get forgotten during the back-to-school hustle and bustle. Well, here at Food and Health, we're not about to let that happen. September marks the second anniversary of MiPlato, and we're here to celebrate it!

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dietary guidelines, cooking, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco dietary guidelines, cooking, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Summer Fun and New Resources: Part One

This summer has been an especially busy one here at Food and Health Communications, and I want to make sure that you don't miss a single thing that could make your life easier! We've been researching, recipe testing, and starting new projects all summer long, devoting ourselves to exciting products that can breathe new life into nutrition education. So, what have we been up to?

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3 Simple Tips for Portion Control

MyPlate is a fantastic guide to balanced eating, but did you know that it can help with portion control too? Yes, balancing your plate is important, but if that plate is the size of a football field, the meal won't be as healthful. It's just too much food. Serving size matters, and moderation is key.

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Top Seven Cooking Lessons

Here at Food and Health Communications, we just love to cook. Lately, we've been thinking about the most important cooking lessons for a healthful lifestyle, which led us to create our Top Seven Cooking Lessons for Health series. This free set of nutrition handouts is chock full of useful information. It covers everything from crafting the best bowl of oatmeal to steaming vegetables perfectly.

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dietary guidelines, cooking, myplate Stephanie Ronco dietary guidelines, cooking, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Use MyPlate for a Great Fourth of July

Who doesn't love the Fourth of July? The food, the fireworks, the fun with friends and family -- all of these elements combine to make this holiday fun and memorable. However, in all the hullabaloo, it can be difficult to make healthful decisions. Luckily, MyPlate is full of great tips and tricks for having an exciting and healthful celebration.

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dietary guidelines Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII dietary guidelines Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Getting Enough Vitamin D

Earlier this week, we explored the importance of vitamin D in osteoporosis prevention, as well as cancer prevention and health improvement. Many different products contain vitamin D, but not all of them are good for you. In this article, we'll explore some healthful -- and not-so-healthful -- sources of this vital vitamin.

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