Start Simple: A New Choose MyPlate Tool

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be difficult, expensive, or time-consuming and can lead to a longer and healthier life.

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5 Diet Hacks for Healthy Blood Pressure

High blood pressure contributes to about 1,100 deaths each day. For that reason, and because high blood pressure is often without symptoms, it’s been dubbed the “silent killer.”

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Most of the Whole World is Struggling with Healthy Eating

Obesity and other consequences of a poor diet are not just affecting Americans. According to a recent study published in the Lancet, researchers from the Global Burden of Disease study have discovered 15 factors in 195 countries that could be improved through better diet...

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diabetes, diet and heart disease, kidney health Stephanie Ronco diabetes, diet and heart disease, kidney health Stephanie Ronco

Prediabetes: More Than a Blood Sugar Problem

While high blood sugar is an outward sign of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, it is not the only problem to treat with lifestyle changes and medications With higher-than-average risks for developing other health problems, careful attention must be paid to preventing heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

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blood pressure, diet and heart disease Stephanie Ronco blood pressure, diet and heart disease Stephanie Ronco

Which is Better for Your Cholesterol -- Red or White Meat?

We’ve been told to avoid red meat and instead choose white meat to lower our cholesterol levels and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. A new study is the first to delve further into the red meat/white meat recommendations, attempting to identify which specific aspects of red meat lead to increased risk...

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Nutrition Label Update: Get More from the Label

The recent updates to the nutrition facts label show off a new, cleaner design that’s meant to make it easier to quickly identify useful information. The updates also reflect the most recent scientific research on the links between food choices and chronic disease so that you can make healthy, great-tasting choices for you and your family...

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