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Member-Only Articles
Grains: Dietary Friend or Foe?
New Guidelines on Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk
The American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) have released updated guidelines on the important role of lifestyle choices in reducing cardiovascular risk...
What's the Difference Between Natural and Added Sugar?
We’ve heard the recommendation to reduce the amount of added sugar we consume in order to promote good health, but what exactly is added sugar? And what is the difference between added sugar and naturally-occurring sugars?
Plants Over Pills
Including a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet is a more reasonable way to improve health instead of using supplements...
Danger or Delight? The Latest Take on Soy Foods
What Can Red Fruits and Vegetables Do For You?
Is Farmed Salmon Healthful?
To help prevent heart disease, nutrition and health experts advise us to eat fish a couple times each week...
New Qualified Health Claim for Food Labels
“Supportive but not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that daily consumption of about 1½ tablespoons (20 grams) of oils containing high levels of oleic acid, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease...”
Good Nutrition from Head to Toe
The food you eat affects every living cell in your body. From providing energy to padding organs, we need food for every part of our bodies. So, if you're looking for good health, try eating from head to toe...
Green Tea: A Good Source of Healthful Antioxidants
Drinking green tea is associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer where oxidative stress plays an important role...
Lifestyle Change Cuts Need for Blood Pressure Medications
The results of the recent twin study showing the strong association between high sodium intake and elevated BP that is independent of central adiposity coupled with Dr. Hinderliter’s study of the DASH diet and exercise program described here confirm research conducted at the Pritikin Center 35+ years ago. Overall, it seems clear that most patients diagnosed with elevated BP could lower their BP sufficiently to avoid the need for BP-drugs.
American Heart Association Blueprint for Healthy Eating
An Anti-Inflammatory Diet May Improve Your Health
In a recent study of over 68,200 men and women (between the ages of 45 and 83) that were monitored for 16 years, subjects that ate an anti-inflammatory diet had an 18% lower risk of dying from any cause compared to subjects who did not follow the diet as closely.
More Salt Promotes Hypertension
The impact of too much added salt over the long term is likely far greater than the relatively modest changes in BP observed in short-term clinical trials...
Do Omega-3s Reduce Heart Disease?
The results of the ASCEND study and the recent Cochrane review add to the growing body of research that shows taking omega-3 supplements is of no help for treating or preventing CVD and will not reduce the risk of congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, and sudden cardiac death...
Does Banning Trans Fat Reduce Heart Disease?
While cardiovascular disease nationwide had already seen a decline, the drop was more dramatic in counties where trans fat was outlawed...
Lessons from the PREDIMED Retraction
The reason the original paper was retracted was due to statistical anomalies, the failure to appropriately randomize subjects in some of the 11 study centers, and other concerns.
Preventing Dementia: A New Strategy
A Mediterranean eating pattern has not only been found to reduce high blood pressure and the risk for heart disease and diabetes, but also may be linked with a reduction in the risk of developing dementia...
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