3 Top Tips to Lower Sodium

"Americans consume too much sodium. High sodium consumption raises blood pressure, and high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Heart disease and stroke are the nation’s first and third leading causes of death"

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The Health Impact of Drinking Juice

How do you feel about orange juice and other 100% juice beverages? Whether you're all for them or totally against them or somewhere in between here's another perspective to consider, from James J. Kenney, PhD, FACN...

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Kitchen Hacks: 2-Minute Berry Compote

At the end of the week, I often have berries that are becoming a little too soft to eat unadorned. Rather than throwing them away, here's what I do...

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Added Sugars and Empty Calories

By now we've all heard the advice to cut down on added sugars. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans tout it. MyPlate asserts it. Even this blog has countless articles about the health dangers of added sugars. But sometimes we need a fresh way to communicate this key information to our clients...

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Iced Tea Month: A Perfect Opportunity for Nutrition Education

Iced tea is a beverage that can either be an integral part of a healthy eating pattern or a sneaky source of added sugars and empty calories. Celebrating Iced Tea Month offers a fantastic opportunity to help your audience rethink their drinks, leading them to make healthier choices that are lower in added sugars.

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