cooking, nutrition basic Stephanie Ronco cooking, nutrition basic Stephanie Ronco

Tips to Help an Overweight Child

Recently, there has been a trend of putting young, overweight children on diets meant for adults. Diets are not meant for children. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that children who are classified as overweight or obese maintain their current weight and only attempt to lose weight through calorie restriction if other risk factors for disease are present.

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How Do Minerals Work? Part One

We don?t eat rocks or dirt, but did you know that they are actually an important part of the food chain? Minerals in the earth are absorbed by water and plants, and then we absorb those same minerals when we eat plants or drink water. We also get minerals when we eat or drink foods that come from animals that consumed the mineral-rich plants and water.

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cooking, diabetes, longevity Stephanie Ronco cooking, diabetes, longevity Stephanie Ronco

Individualizing Patient Care: Does that Include Individualizing A1C Goals?

General recommendations from the ADA are to attain an A1C of less than 7%, but this is not the appropriate goal for everyone with diabetes. Like medications, diet, and physical activity, blood glucose goals must also be individualized. For some people with diabetes, an A1C of less than 6.5% is ideal, and for others a good goal is less than 8% or even 8.5%, according to a 2012 consensus report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society and Diabetes Care.

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cooking Stephanie Ronco cooking Stephanie Ronco

December 2014

Handouts and research and tips, oh my! Here's everything you need for a creative and healthful December...

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Might Reducing Salt Intake Promote ?Cardiovascular Disease?

The experience from England seriously undermines Dr. Oparil's editorial claim that the PURE study results ?... call into question the feasibility and usefulness of dietary sodium as a population-based strategy for reducing blood pressure.? This makes me wonder why none of the science writers and journalists who were so quick to parrot Dr. Oparil's opinions ever thought to ask why she believed the questionable data and opinions from the PURE researchers were not largely refuted by the real-life public health efforts ongoing in England.

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