cooking Stephanie Ronco cooking Stephanie Ronco

October 2014

There's a lot to love in the October 2014 edition of the Communicating Food for Health newsletter! Check out amazing articles about bottled water, inflammation, sodium intake, and more!

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practitioner ideas and..., cooking Stephanie Ronco practitioner ideas and..., cooking Stephanie Ronco

Model Cholesterol Damage in Your Hallway

Sometimes the best way to help your clients internalize key health lessons is to have them act them out. For this activity, you will need a free doorway in a low-traffic area, with available space on either side of the door. The door to your office or conference room may be perfect. You will also need some balloons, tape, and 4 different colors of bandanas (or another tool that you can use to mark participants into different teams).

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Do New Studies Refute the Benefits of Reducing Salt?

The claims being made by the authors of the two PURE articles are troubling because the preponderance of credible scientific data continues to show that elevated BP is the single greatest CVD risk factor in most populations. Data from controlled clinical trials show that dietary salt in excess of 1,500 mg/day is the #1 dietary cause of elevated BP.

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cooking Stephanie Ronco cooking Stephanie Ronco

Reboot Your Chili

Who says chili needs a pot! Cooking this tasty chili on the grill means deep flavor, easy cooking, and no-fuss cleanup. What?s not to love?

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cooking, vitamins and supplements Stephanie Ronco cooking, vitamins and supplements Stephanie Ronco

Probiotics: Good Bacteria for a Healthy Gut

Probiotics are living microorganisms that are beneficial to our intestinal tract and immune system. They consist of both bacteria and yeast and occur naturally in our bodies. Their job is to help with the digestion of food, inhibit the overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria, prevent inflammation, and detoxify certain enzymes, hormones, and drugs.

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