cooking, vitamins and supplements Stephanie Ronco cooking, vitamins and supplements Stephanie Ronco

Dr. Oz and Congress

Why has Congress decided to expose Dr. Oz as a promoter of numerous questionable supplements? Could it be because there really is little that the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) & Federal Trade Commission (FTC) can do to prevent the promotion of questionable products? Why can't these regulatory agencies stop the promotion of these products by Dr. Oz and similar personalities?

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cooking, snacks Stephanie Ronco cooking, snacks Stephanie Ronco

Inexpensive and Diabetes-Friendly Snacks

Having diabetes doesn't mean that you need to purchase “special” food! While watching quantity and portion size is important for people with diabetes, it doesn’t mean that what you eat has to taste bad. Here are some simple, inexpensive snacks for people with diabetes.

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cooking Stephanie Ronco cooking Stephanie Ronco

Meet Sardines

Sardines are delicious, cheap, and versatile, yet many people have never even tried them. Get a delicious introduction to sardines with this simple Fennel Salad with Sardines...

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cooking Stephanie Ronco cooking Stephanie Ronco

It?s Fennel Time!

Mediterranean eating just got easier and more delicious! Check out the recipe for this wonderful Chicken and Fennel Stew...

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