cooking, practitioner ideas and..., fad diets Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII cooking, practitioner ideas and..., fad diets Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Nutrition Science or Pseudoscience?

Nutrition science can be confusing for people with little or no training in nutrition science particularly those who also have little understanding of human physiology. One reason for such confusion can be often found in the often distorted messages from would be nutrition ?experts? who are in reality more nutritional gurus.

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cooking, snacks, weight control, kids, desserts Stephanie Ronco cooking, snacks, weight control, kids, desserts Stephanie Ronco

Moderation and Cookies: Tips and Tricks for Healthful Eating

A whole batch of cookies offers way too many servings for the average household. At the same time, it can be more trouble than it's worth to scale down a recipe and mix minute portions of each ingredient. So, how can you solve the problem of excess versus extra effort? The answer is surprisingly simple!

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breakfast, fruits and veggies, cooking, grains Stephanie Ronco breakfast, fruits and veggies, cooking, grains Stephanie Ronco

Pumpkin Fun for Halloween and Beyond!

Pumpkins are such fun to have around during Halloween, but did you know that they're also delicious? Plus, they're rich in nutrients and low in calories. Just one-half cup of canned pumpkin provides 4 grams of fiber, no fat or cholesterol, and only 50 calories. But how can you incorporate more pumpkin into your diet? Try these fun tips!

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Healthful Snacking Secret Weapon

Here at Food and Health Communications, Inc, we know that healthful snacking can be tough. There are so many pitfalls and sneaky foods that seem healthful (but aren't), that navigating the snacking landscape can be more than a little daunting. That's why you need a secret weapon. In this case, the secret weapon is...

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