Apple A Day Savings Add Up!

It's not too late to celebrate Apple Month! We’ve all heard about the effects of an apple a day on the proximity of doctors, but did you ever stop to think about the actual ramifications of eating an apple a day? This single small decision, over the course of a year, can help you reduce calorie consumption, ward off excess weight, and reduce your health risks.

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fruits and veggies, cooking Stephanie Ronco fruits and veggies, cooking Stephanie Ronco

Holiday Survival and Beyond: Play with Cranberries

Thanksgiving is perhaps the only time of year many families eat fresh cranberries. The cranberry growers estimate that 20% of their crop is eaten at the Thanksgiving holiday. Cranberries are high in fiber and vitamin C and contain just 25 calories per 1/2 cup of fresh berries. They are also low in sodium and a source of vitamins A & B, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Packed full of antioxidants and other natural compounds, cranberries promote the prevention of urinary tract infections, gum disease and stomach ulcers. With all this great nutrition, shouldn’t we stop relegating them to just November?

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cooking, myplate Stephanie Ronco cooking, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Eat Healthfully with Diabetes

November is American Diabetes Month, which makes today an excellent time to learn more about living healthfully with diabetes. After all, meal planning can be tricky, and it's key to have several nutritious snacks every day. So what exactly should go on your plate if you have diabetes? Why, that's why we're here -- to help you make a healthful, balanced plate at every meal!

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