dietary guidelines, budget, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco dietary guidelines, budget, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Happy Anniversary to MiPlato

We all remember that MyPlate's anniversary is in June, but the anniversary of MiPlato, the Spanish edition of MyPlate, can sometimes get forgotten during the back-to-school hustle and bustle. Well, here at Food and Health, we're not about to let that happen. September marks the second anniversary of MiPlato, and we're here to celebrate it!

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budget Stephanie Ronco budget Stephanie Ronco

Aisle by Aisle Shopping Guide

Nutrition Month is just around the corner -- do you have the resources you need?We're super excited to celebrate one of our favorite health holidays, and so we thought we'd give you a head start and some free materials. You know, to celebrate. Since having a well-stocked kitchen is key to a healthful lifestyle, we begin with a guide to balanced shopping. This guide is an excerpt from one of the more popular handouts in our Nutrition Education Store...

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budget, cooking Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII budget, cooking Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

25 ingredients, 15 meals

So we decided that we have to come up with a master list of 20-25 foods to buy and show many different fast meals you can make from these ingredients! That is a challenge!!

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