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Member-Only Articles
Cook Once, Serve Twice
I love exploring smart ways to serve healthy meals on a budget. And I'm not only talking about budgeting money -- it's also important to budget time! Cooking something in one session and then using it in meals throughout the week is a great way to make ingredients stretch while saving yourself time in future meal prep...
Gluten-Free and Nutrient Rich
Between celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and dietary choices, it seems like everyone knows at least a few people who are no longer eating gluten. However, just because you or a family member has given up gluten doesn't mean that you have to miss out on nutrients. Today I'd like to share a guide to a few of my favorite healthful, vitamin- and mineral-rich foods, all of which are free of gluten...
Delicious Healthy Meals: Stir Fry on the Grill
Love the speed and ease of a stir fry but hate the cleanup? Have you ever considered making that meal on a grill? I know it sounds crazy, but I tried stir-frying my farmers’ market finds on the grill, and it was so tasty and simple that I may never go back to my stove...
How To Stir-Fry
This members-only guide to healthful stir-fries is a perfect resource for health educators and their clients.
Do Gut Microbes Impact Human Health?
Biologists have long known that the bacteria, protozoa, fungi, yeast, and other microbes that inhabit the guts of all animals can play a key role in their ability to survive.
Probiotics: Good Bacteria for a Healthy Gut
Probiotics are living microorganisms that are beneficial to our intestinal tract and immune system. They consist of both bacteria and yeast and occur naturally in our bodies. Their job is to help with the digestion of food, inhibit the overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria, prevent inflammation, and detoxify certain enzymes, hormones, and drugs.
Stir Fry for Bone Health
We're going to wrap up our posts for osteoporosis awareness month with a few more recipes and tips for getting enough bone-healthy nutrients. Today we bring you a delicious stir-fry that provides 473% of the daily value for vitamin K, 22% of the daily value for magnesium, and 10% of the daily value for calcium.
Stir Stir Stir Fry
A stir fry dish is so easy to make!
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