Eat More Plants and Less Meat: Here's How

Research that followed over 37,000 middle-aged Americans showed that those who ate the most plant protein were 27% less likely to die of any cause and nearly 30% less likely to diet of coronary heart disease than those who consumed the least amount of plant protein...

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What's Missing from the Dietary Guidelines?

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) offer lots of helpful nutrition advice, but I couldn't help noticing some pieces that were missing...

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blood pressure, diet and heart disease Stephanie Ronco blood pressure, diet and heart disease Stephanie Ronco

Which is Better for Your Cholesterol -- Red or White Meat?

We’ve been told to avoid red meat and instead choose white meat to lower our cholesterol levels and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. A new study is the first to delve further into the red meat/white meat recommendations, attempting to identify which specific aspects of red meat lead to increased risk...

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Comments on the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

How do the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans measure up? Find out with Dr. James J Kenney's latest article...

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