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Member-Only Articles
June is Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month
June is fruit and veggie month. Celebrate by solving these 20 riddles - and learn more about these great super foods!
Quick Quiz for Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month
June is Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month! Pique your audience's interest in these tasty foods by introducing some riddles from Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD...
Do You Shop Smart?
Here's a quick quiz to help evaluate your skills in the grocery store.
Sugar Quiz!
Added sugars can have a serious impact on health! Test your knowledge and improve your eating pattern with this speedy sugar quiz…
Plant-Based Eating Pattern Quiz
I'm back with a fantastic quiz from Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD. Test your knowledge and share this engaging resource with your clients -- there's even a printable handout at the bottom of the post...
Reader Request: Diabetes Resources
Here is a large collection of useful diabetes resources, just for you!
MyPlate Protein Quiz!
What do you know about MyPlate’s protein food group? Find out with this speedy protein quiz!
3 Ways to Celebrate Papaya Month!
June is Papaya Month, and it's definitely not too late to celebrate!
Restaurant Revelations: Hidden Sources of Calories
Here's a quiz that you can use to show your clients how important it is to research calorie and nutrition information before they choose a meal in a restaurant. Some of the answers may surprise you!
Happy Health Education Week!
Happy Health Education Week! Here are some of the top health education resources that my team and I have created over the years. Since we're here to help you look your very best, right now, I thought I would collect our favorite posts on popular health topics and share them in one handy place! So here you go -- our top blog posts about heart health, diabetes, cancer, nutrition, and physical activity. Which ones will make your life easier?
MyPlate Fruit Quiz
But wait, there's more! Here's a quiz that covers MyPlate's fruit group...
New Quiz for Peach Month!
Did you know that July and August are both considered National Peach Month? It’s true! So don’t stop celebrating! Instead, share this fantastic peach quiz with your clients...
Dairy Month Quiz!
It's Dairy Month! Do your clients know what foods fit into MyPlate's dairy food group? How about the role of calcium in good health? Or how many servings of dairy are recommended each day? Help your clients get those answers -- and more -- with this fun and engaging quiz!
Broccoli Quiz!
What do you know about broccoli? What do your clients know? Find out with this fun broccoli quiz! This quiz offers a great way to re-introduce this super-healthful vegetable, and is new way to make broccoli approachable, appealing, and fun.
Grain Quiz!
You guys, I made a brand-new nutrition poster that's all about grains. To celebrate, I want to share this never-before-seen quiz and a free grain handout to help your clients start cooking with healthful whole grains!
Are You Physically Active?
Are your clients physically active? Have them assess their habits with this quirky quiz!
Are You Good to Your Health?
Are you good to your health? Find out with this free quiz and handout set!
Blood Pressure Quiz
Are you heart smart? Take this blood pressure quiz and find out!
Contact us.
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