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Member-Only Articles
Food News: Shop with 3
Here are three easy goals to keep front and focus when you are grocery shopping.
New Food Label Spotlight: Potassium on your plate
Apple A Day Savings
You may have already heard about our amazing PDF handout library, and the work continues! Now we're adding lots more while revamping a few fan favorites. Here's a redesigned and updated version of one of our top handouts: Apple a Day Savings...
Don't Fear the Potato!
Potatoes are a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and niacin; and contain the minerals potassium, copper, manganese, and phosphorus. In fact, white potatoes contain more potassium per standard serving than any other vegetable. Include the skin when you prepare potatoes, and they’re also a good source of fiber. Potatoes also contain a variety of phytonutrients, nutrients produced by plants that help promote overall health. Potatoes are also low in saturated fat and sodium, two nutrients when consumed in large amounts are associated with increased risk of heart disease...
Potassium and Your Blood Pressure
Most people know that consuming less sodium helps lower blood pressure, but the important role of potassium is often overlooked...
Tuber 101: Brand New Fact Sheet
I'm back with another sneak preview from the newest course in the online school: Plant-Based Eating Pattern: Vegetables...
Sports Drink Comparison Chart
My team and I researched the most common sports drinks, assessing their nutrient information and compiling it into a simple comparison chart. Check out what we found!
Juice Comparison Chart
Compare the nutrient profiles of these 10 top juices to determine whether any fit into a healthy and balanced eating pattern...
New Food Label Spotlight: Vitamins and Minerals
By now you've probably heard all about the FDA's new food label design. Today I want take an in-depth look at some of the changes, focusing on the new "nutrients required" section...
Focusing on Dressing: Are We Missing the Point?
Any time we switch from pale "greens" like iceberg lettuce to darker-colored leafy greens like kale, spinach and Romaine, we gain important phytochemicals and antioxidants that are present in larger quantities in darker-colored vegetables...
Small Shifts
The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage us to “shift to healthier food and beverage choices.” We make choices about what to eat and drink every day. Each choice is a chance to shift to a healthier option. Over time, these small shifts will move you toward a healthy eating pattern.
Fun Beet Fact Sheet
Want to learn more about beets? Today is your lucky day! This post features an amazing Beet Fact Sheet that explores the links between beets and good health. Take a look at what we found...
Butternut Squash 101
Learn the basics about butternut squash in today's special veggie post! In this post, you'll find a discussion of what butternut squash tastes like, what nutrients it contains, and how to cook with it. There's also downloadable clipart and a free PDF handout...
Potassium and the Dietary Guidelines
What is potassium? Why is it a nutrient of concern? How can people increase their potassium intake? What impact does potassium have on health? Get the answers to all these questions -- and more! -- in today's post!
Salt Substitutes Chart
What do you know about salt substitutes? My team and I have exhaustively researched 10 different varieties of salt and salt substitutes, and we've compiled the highlights of what we found into a handy-dandy chart.
Citrus 101
What do you know about citrus? What do your clients know? Today I want to offer a closer look at the basics of citrus -- what types of citrus fruits there are, what nutrients they contain, what impact on health they can have, and ways to incorporate them into a healthful eating pattern. There's even a new handout, if you know where to look!
MyPlate Vegetable Quiz
This quiz is a fantastic way to teach your clients about the MyPlate vegetable food group. It has information on serving sizes, health benefits, nutrients, preparation, and much more!
MyPlate Fruit Quiz
But wait, there's more! Here's a quiz that covers MyPlate's fruit group...
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