If you're following any social media channels you'll see all kinds of butter boards. We all love butter, but not that much. I was making a snack in my kitchen and thought this might make a great alternative...
Studies show that people that eat out 3 or more times per week eat more fat, sodium and calories and fewer vitamins, minerals, and fiber than those that eat in. Stock your kitchen with nutritious foods to save your waistline and wallet!
Member-Only Articles
Peanut Butter Board
If you're following any social media channels you'll see all kinds of butter boards. We all love butter, but not that much. I was making a snack in my kitchen and thought this might make a great alternative...
10 Cheap and Healthful Foods
Studies show that people that eat out 3 or more times per week eat more fat, sodium and calories and fewer vitamins, minerals, and fiber than those that eat in. Stock your kitchen with nutritious foods to save your waistline and wallet!
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