Evaluating Weight Status

Evaluating weight status is tricky. People can be sensitive about their size, especially when they think that they may have lost control of their weight. Plus, there are lots of hurtful ways that people evaluate weight and size in society today. So how do you address weight when it comes to health and well-being without bringing in the baggage that accompanies discussions about weight?

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The 2015 Dietary Guidelines: The Science of Healthy Eating Patterns

There are lots of reasons to follow the healthy eating pattern strategies laid out by the latest edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. To start, let's take a closer look at the science behind these recommendations...

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cooking Stephanie Ronco cooking Stephanie Ronco

Dietary Consistency

Have you fallen into the all-or-nothing trap where you eat perfectly one day and abandon healthful eating the next? Is a vacation or holiday a happy excuse to overindulge in foods that you?ve labeled as taboo?

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weight control Stephanie Ronco weight control Stephanie Ronco

Diets for Kids?

Good news! Today I'm cracking the vault to bring you a brand-new article by Beth Rosen, MS, RD. Beth created this incredible handout for the exclusive Communicating Food for Health newsletter, but it got such good reviews that I want to share it with you today. So without further ado, let's take a look at ways to help overweight children...

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