Now that we've learned about the need for micronutrients and what exactly micronutrients are, it's time to take a closer look at our first micronutrient...
High in vital trace minerals and unique antioxidants, oats can lower cholesterol levels and help you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They're also naturally gluten-free! What's not to love? Let's take a closer look at these nutrient powerhouses.
Sometimes the best way to help your clients internalize key health lessons is to have them act them out. For this activity, you will need a free doorway in a low-traffic area, with available space on either side of the door. The door to your office or conference room may be perfect. You will also need some balloons, tape, and 4 different colors of bandanas (or another tool that you can use to mark participants into different teams).
It's Nutrition Month! This week we want to put you through some bootcamp. No, we're not talking about the grueling exercise class, nor the military program. Instead, we've put together a comprehensive Nutrition Bootcamp that offers basic training for all your nutrient needs!
Member-Only Articles
The Hottest Nutrition and Health Posts of Sumer 2022
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Micronutrient Review
Now that the Vital Micronutrients series is complete, it's time to wrap things up. Here's our micronutrient review...
Meet Micronutrients: Zinc
Now that we've covered vitamin A, vitamin D, folate, iodine, and iron, it's time to wrap things up with zinc...
Meet Micronutrients: Iron
The Vital Nutrients series is back and better than ever! Today we're going to talk about iron...
Micronutrients: Vitamin D
Now that it's officially Spring, let's help your clients get outside with this spotlight on vitamin D!
Micronutrients: Iodine
It's time for more fun with micronutrients! Today's micronutrient is... iodine!
Micronutrients: Folate
We've returned with more micronutrient fun, and today's micronutrient is...folate!
Micronutrients: Vitamin A
Now that we've learned about the need for micronutrients and what exactly micronutrients are, it's time to take a closer look at our first micronutrient...
What are Micronutrients?
What are micronutrients exactly? And how do they fit into the larger picture of YOUR health? Find out in this post...
Intro to Micronutrients
Did you know that micronutrient inadequacies are actually common in the United States?
10 Things You Should Know About Nutrients
Let's talk nutrients...
Juice Comparison Chart
Compare the nutrient profiles of these 10 top juices to determine whether any fit into a healthy and balanced eating pattern...
Handout: Fruits, Veggies, and Your Health
Have you gotten your free copy of the Up, Up, and Away fruit and vegetable handout yet? This post makes the perfect companion piece...
Nutrient Adequacy and USDA Food Patterns
Do your clients ever wonder why the USDA advises people to follow MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
What Do You Know About Oats?
High in vital trace minerals and unique antioxidants, oats can lower cholesterol levels and help you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They're also naturally gluten-free! What's not to love? Let's take a closer look at these nutrient powerhouses.
Model Cholesterol Damage in Your Hallway
Sometimes the best way to help your clients internalize key health lessons is to have them act them out. For this activity, you will need a free doorway in a low-traffic area, with available space on either side of the door. The door to your office or conference room may be perfect. You will also need some balloons, tape, and 4 different colors of bandanas (or another tool that you can use to mark participants into different teams).
Beginning Bootcamp: A Nutrient Guide
It's Nutrition Month! This week we want to put you through some bootcamp. No, we're not talking about the grueling exercise class, nor the military program. Instead, we've put together a comprehensive Nutrition Bootcamp that offers basic training for all your nutrient needs!
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