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Member-Only Articles
Feeding Vegetarians on Thanksgiving
As Thanksgiving approaches, we are inundated with recipes for how to dress and season a turkey, the main dish and delicious centerpiece for our holiday tables. But what if you have a vegetarian coming to dinner?
Nutrition Month Meal Ideas
The Nutrition Month fun continues in today's post, which is all about fast and lean meal ideas...
By Popular Demand: 25 Ingredients, 15 Meals
And now, by popular demand, I'd like to present a guide to making 15 different meals with only 25 ingredients...
Fun Ways to Get Picky Eaters to Try New Foods
Recently I presented 3 Fun Ways to Get Kids to Try New Foods: Prescription for Picky Eaters at the Child and Adult Care Food Program's (CACFP) Sponsors Association Meeting in Orlando Florida. It was a lot of fun, and today I'd like to share some of the highlights with you!
Fun Family Dining: Make Your Own Chowder
Building your own meal is a great way to get kids involved in healthy eating. It's also the perfect solution for picky eaters, and its creativity can help inspire and motivate people who find themselves in a healthy eating rut.
The Most Beautiful Salads
Today I want to highlight some of the most beautiful salads that you and your clients can make. These are perfect for cooking demos, health fair booth samples, recipe handouts, or really whatever you need, salad-wise. Your clients will love bringing these tasty treats to the dinner table too.
Nutrition News Highlights of 2014
There has been a ton of groundbreaking health news this year. Let's look back at the top nutrition and health stories of 2014...
Breaking News: FDA's Menu Labeling Calorie Labeling Rules
The FDA has just released their guide to menu labeling, and this post has everything you need to know...
March Menu
Looking for healthful menu ideas this March? Look no further! This tasty, inexpensive, and creative menu will breathe new life into your meals.
New Health Claim for Olive Oil
Fall in Love with Salad
Salads make simply fantastic meals. They are chock-full of nutrients and flavor, and -- when prepared thoughtfully -- they can be low in calories but still very satieting. Today we'd like to celebrate salad with a guide to its preparation, presentation, and transportation.
Healthy BBQ Plate
This delicious barbecue dinner incorporates a chicken fajita theme with the addition of peppers, onions and spicy seasonings for the kabobs. The veggies roast right along with the skewers so you have a great tasting dinner without the heat and mess in your kitchen. And this is a MyPlate meal so you have all the nutrients you need in the calories allotted!
Weight Control Registry Update
Did you ever notice when you go out to eat you always order the same thing at a restaurant? Well, why not do that at "your" restaurant? Sure, you can alter your list and add new dishes or change them as needed. You can also find something neat to prepare in the store. But we find just having a plan is a good idea.
25 ingredients, 15 meals
So we decided that we have to come up with a master list of 20-25 foods to buy and show many different fast meals you can make from these ingredients! That is a challenge!!
Stock Your Kitchen For Fast Healthy Meals
Take control of what goes in your food and in your body!
Roast Once, Serve Three Times
One inexpensive chicken can create 3 meals; ideas for a dinner completely roasted in the oven, too!
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