Recently, there has been a trend of putting young, overweight children on diets meant for adults. Diets are not meant for children. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that children who are classified as overweight or obese maintain their current weight and only attempt to lose weight through calorie restriction if other risk factors for disease are present.
Restricting calories slows the aging process, keeps you thin, retards degenerative diseases and increases lifespan. The only challenge? Compliance of course!
Member-Only Articles
Tips to Help an Overweight Child
Recently, there has been a trend of putting young, overweight children on diets meant for adults. Diets are not meant for children. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that children who are classified as overweight or obese maintain their current weight and only attempt to lose weight through calorie restriction if other risk factors for disease are present.
The Diabetes-Cancer Link
Do Overweight People Live Longer?
Is Exercise the Key to Weight Control?
How can someone restrict calories THAT much?
Restricting calories slows the aging process, keeps you thin, retards degenerative diseases and increases lifespan. The only challenge? Compliance of course!
Easy Ways to Increase Fiber in Your Diet
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