weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco

It's Nutrition Month: Make a Healthful Plate

Nutrition Month is finally here! We have been waiting to celebrate for a long time now, but we've also been wondering about where to begin. After we put our heads together, we decided we'd like to start with making a healthful and balanced plate. This lesson can help revitalize meal habits and is a great way to begin a push toward a healthful lifestyle.

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makeovers Stephanie Ronco makeovers Stephanie Ronco

A Closer Look at the New McDonald's Salads

McDonald’s recently updated the standard lettuce mix in all their salads, and instead of applauding a switch from iceberg lettuce to a mix of Romaine, baby kale, and baby spinach, bloggers are howling about the calorie, fat and sodium content of the salads! Personally, I think that those bloggers are off-track.

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MyPlate Meal

One of the things I love about MyPlate is its practicality. Rather than asking you to imagine your daily eating habits as a pyramid, MyPlate simply rallies its viewers to make their plates look like its own image: a balanced plate. With half the plate devoted to fruits and vegetables, and the rest divided between protein and whole grains (with some nonfat dairy on the side), MyPlate presents a healthful approach to any meal or snack...

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