You've seen the intro, you've seen vegetables, you've seen fruit, and now it's time for the next installment of our brand-new series, The Building Blocks of Health...
Nutrition Month is finally here! We have been waiting to celebrate for a long time now, but we've also been wondering about where to begin. After we put our heads together, we decided we'd like to start with making a healthful and balanced plate. This lesson can help revitalize meal habits and is a great way to begin a push toward a healthful lifestyle.
McDonald’s recently updated the standard lettuce mix in all their salads, and instead of applauding a switch from iceberg lettuce to a mix of Romaine, baby kale, and baby spinach, bloggers are howling about the calorie, fat and sodium content of the salads! Personally, I think that those bloggers are off-track.
One of the things I love about MyPlate is its practicality. Rather than asking you to imagine your daily eating habits as a pyramid, MyPlate simply rallies its viewers to make their plates look like its own image: a balanced plate. With half the plate devoted to fruits and vegetables, and the rest divided between protein and whole grains (with some nonfat dairy on the side), MyPlate presents a healthful approach to any meal or snack...
September is both Rice Month and Chicken Month! Celebrate with this fantastic dish that offers rice and chicken the spotlight! You can even use brown rice in the recipe for Whole Grains Month too!
Member-Only Articles
Food News: Shop with 3
Here are three easy goals to keep front and focus when you are grocery shopping.
Building Blocks of Health: A Review
Building Blocks of Health: Protein
You've seen the intro, you've seen vegetables, you've seen fruit, and now it's time for the next installment of our brand-new series, The Building Blocks of Health...
It's Nutrition Month: Make a Healthful Plate
Nutrition Month is finally here! We have been waiting to celebrate for a long time now, but we've also been wondering about where to begin. After we put our heads together, we decided we'd like to start with making a healthful and balanced plate. This lesson can help revitalize meal habits and is a great way to begin a push toward a healthful lifestyle.
A Closer Look at the New McDonald's Salads
McDonald’s recently updated the standard lettuce mix in all their salads, and instead of applauding a switch from iceberg lettuce to a mix of Romaine, baby kale, and baby spinach, bloggers are howling about the calorie, fat and sodium content of the salads! Personally, I think that those bloggers are off-track.
8 Lessons From A Vietnamese Market
A trip to a Vietnamese market yielded surprising health and nutrition lessons, along with plenty of shopping inspiration!
MyPlate Meal
One of the things I love about MyPlate is its practicality. Rather than asking you to imagine your daily eating habits as a pyramid, MyPlate simply rallies its viewers to make their plates look like its own image: a balanced plate. With half the plate devoted to fruits and vegetables, and the rest divided between protein and whole grains (with some nonfat dairy on the side), MyPlate presents a healthful approach to any meal or snack...
Celebrate Chicken Month and Rice Month!
September is both Rice Month and Chicken Month! Celebrate with this fantastic dish that offers rice and chicken the spotlight! You can even use brown rice in the recipe for Whole Grains Month too!
Tasty Weeknight Dinner
This recipe reduces the fat and amps up the flavor of a classic dish. Check it out!
Sugar-Sweetened Drinks Appear Fattening
Do Sports Drinks Promote Obesity?
Frozen Summer Drink Portions
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