The National Cancer Institute has revealed that some risk factors for cancer can be controlled. Choosing the right health behaviors and preventing exposure to certain environmental risk factors can help prevent cancer development. In other words, taking steps can reduce your risk of cancer is possible. Let’s look at some specific strategies.
Weight loss may be beneficial in overweight and obese individuals, but does it offer the same benefits to lean individuals. Weight loss should not be advised unless medically necessary...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard Medical School researchers recently studied the nitty-gritty of how diet and exercise impact the body...
Now that you know what prebiotics are (and the positive impact they can have on your health) it's time to talk about incorporating them into your eating pattern...
Encourage your clients to plan meals and snacks to include more unprocessed or minimally processed foods. That way they can decrease the amount of ultra-processed foods in their eating patterns...
For young and middle-aged individuals with high blood pressure, tweaking the diet may be the most effective way to cut the risk of cardiovascular disease...
Researchers have discovered that mung bean protein isolate is a source of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor activity that helps to lower blood pressure...
Member-Only Articles
National Nutrition Month is Coming Right Up!
March is National Nutrition Month! That's only a few short weeks away -- are you ready to help your clients make the most of it?
Can We Help Fight the Opioid Crisis with Nutrition Therapy?
The opioid crisis (as well as other substance abuse crises) presents a unique intervention opportunity for dietitians.
3 Cancer Risk Reduction Strategies
The National Cancer Institute has revealed that some risk factors for cancer can be controlled. Choosing the right health behaviors and preventing exposure to certain environmental risk factors can help prevent cancer development. In other words, taking steps can reduce your risk of cancer is possible. Let’s look at some specific strategies.
Pleasure versus Hunger Eating
The research on cravings suggests that eating for pleasure versus hunger may drive us to crave highly palatable foods.
National Nutrition Month: Are You Ready?
National Nutrition Month is just around the corner -- are you ready for it?
When Is a Change in Weight Appropriate for the Prevention of Diabetes?
Weight loss may be beneficial in overweight and obese individuals, but does it offer the same benefits to lean individuals. Weight loss should not be advised unless medically necessary...
The Cellular Impact of Diet and Exercise
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard Medical School researchers recently studied the nitty-gritty of how diet and exercise impact the body...
For Better Gut Health, Cut Sugar!
A recent study on mice sheds light on the way sugar intake may impact our gut microbiome, the risk of diabetes, and unwanted weight gain...
How to Incorporate Prebiotics Into Your Eating Pattern
Now that you know what prebiotics are (and the positive impact they can have on your health) it's time to talk about incorporating them into your eating pattern...
Strategies for Managing Processed Foods in Your Eating Pattern
Encourage your clients to plan meals and snacks to include more unprocessed or minimally processed foods. That way they can decrease the amount of ultra-processed foods in their eating patterns...
Tipsheet: Help Your Clients Change Their Eating Patterns for the Better
Clinicians can help their clients with stage 1 hypertension adopt the DASH diet in the following ways...
Changes in Diet Offer Best Defense in Hypertensive Patients
For young and middle-aged individuals with high blood pressure, tweaking the diet may be the most effective way to cut the risk of cardiovascular disease...
Untangling Processed Foods: Ultra Processed, Minimally Processed, and More
It’s not as simple as processed vs unprocessed because even washing or packaging a food makes it technically a processed food...
Let's Talk About Mung Bean Protein
Researchers have discovered that mung bean protein isolate is a source of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor activity that helps to lower blood pressure...
Hypertension Raises the Risk for COVID-19 Hospitalization
In COVID-19 patients diagnosed with hypertension, the risk for hospitalization was still very high...
Let's Talk About Pea Protein
We’re hearing a lot about the benefits of plant sources of protein...
Set Your Table for National Family Meals Month
Family meals offer a wealth of health from head to toe. Keep reading to learn more...
Better Snacks for Kids
Our kids deserve better snacks to prevent a premature case of type 2 diabetes or heart disease...
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