The advice to “only eat foods that you can read and pronounce” is often misguided. Cyanocobalamin may be a big, unfriendly word to consumers, but in reality, it’s simply vitamin B12. Foods are often enriched with other ingredients to boost their nutritional content and health benefit...
Sodium is hiding everywhere. Shocking amounts of it are in restaurant and frozen foods, while many packaged and canned foods have tons of sodium as well. The first step towards reducing sodium intake is learning about which foods have what levels. That's where this chart comes in...
We all know that sodium is linked to high blood pressure, increased stroke risk, and many other health issues. It can be harder, however, to actually find the top sources of sodium in our eating patterns and reduce those sources.
Whether you're doing some last-minute Thanksgiving shopping or were just reminded of the goodness of butternut squash thanks to our latest edition of Fun Vegetable Trivia, we thought some butternut squash shopping tips might come in handy today...
As an educator, I try really hard to “walk the talk.” Sometimes that’s hard to do. Or sometimes I think I’m doing fairly well while following a recommendation, but it turns out that I'm not doing so well at all
A simple research experiment at Warwick’s Rootes Grocery Store found that moving produce nearer to the store’s entrance may have encouraged increased fruit and vegetable consumption, even without overt messaging...
“From my perspective as an organic farmer and a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, small scale, organic, local and sustainable agriculture isn't just a benefit to a community, it's the glue that bonds communities together and is the only way to improve the health of our soils, our health, and our pocket books.”
While skinless chicken breast is popular, you may be throwing the baby out with the bathwater by not buying the whole bird. Here are a few reasons why…
Buying yogurt in bulk is a good idea: Choose non-fat instead of whole milk yogurt for less saturated fat and more protein, then choose plain instead of sweetened yogurt for less sugar and more calcium. In fact, you can add flavor to your yogurt by topping it with fresh fruit yourself!
A surprising number of people find that a stumbling block on the road to healthful eating is not the food itself, but rather acquiring and using it. Today I want to offer a possible way to...
Member-Only Articles
The Pros and Cons of Instacart
Grocery Shopping Tips
Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD is back with tips to make healthful choices and save money in the grocery store...
Functional Ingredients 101
The advice to “only eat foods that you can read and pronounce” is often misguided. Cyanocobalamin may be a big, unfriendly word to consumers, but in reality, it’s simply vitamin B12. Foods are often enriched with other ingredients to boost their nutritional content and health benefit...
Sodium and the American Diet
Sodium is hiding everywhere. Shocking amounts of it are in restaurant and frozen foods, while many packaged and canned foods have tons of sodium as well. The first step towards reducing sodium intake is learning about which foods have what levels. That's where this chart comes in...
Low-Sodium Shopping List
We all know that sodium is linked to high blood pressure, increased stroke risk, and many other health issues. It can be harder, however, to actually find the top sources of sodium in our eating patterns and reduce those sources.
3 Butternut Squash Shopping Tips
Whether you're doing some last-minute Thanksgiving shopping or were just reminded of the goodness of butternut squash thanks to our latest edition of Fun Vegetable Trivia, we thought some butternut squash shopping tips might come in handy today...
Make the Thrifty Food Plan Work for Your Clients
Let's talk about what the Thrifty Food Plan update could mean to your clients...
Tips and Tricks for Eating on a Budget
My Whole Grain Journey
As an educator, I try really hard to “walk the talk.” Sometimes that’s hard to do. Or sometimes I think I’m doing fairly well while following a recommendation, but it turns out that I'm not doing so well at all
Workaround: Order groceries instead of takeout
A Dozen Ways to Enjoy Peppers
Want to Eat More Produce? Consider Where You Put It
A simple research experiment at Warwick’s Rootes Grocery Store found that moving produce nearer to the store’s entrance may have encouraged increased fruit and vegetable consumption, even without overt messaging...
Farm to Table
“From my perspective as an organic farmer and a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, small scale, organic, local and sustainable agriculture isn't just a benefit to a community, it's the glue that bonds communities together and is the only way to improve the health of our soils, our health, and our pocket books.”
Make Your Grocery Budget Go Further with a Whole Chicken!
While skinless chicken breast is popular, you may be throwing the baby out with the bathwater by not buying the whole bird. Here are a few reasons why…
The Scoop on Yogurt
Buying yogurt in bulk is a good idea: Choose non-fat instead of whole milk yogurt for less saturated fat and more protein, then choose plain instead of sweetened yogurt for less sugar and more calcium. In fact, you can add flavor to your yogurt by topping it with fresh fruit yourself!
Shop Fast and Smart: 3 Grocery Store Strategies
Today I want to talk about ways to save time in the grocery store while still making healthful and nutritious choices...
15 Ingredients, 5 Meals
Let's start National Nutrition Month with a reader request that will make your life easier while creating great (and free!) resources to your clients!
Kitchen Hack: Save Time, Shop Online
A surprising number of people find that a stumbling block on the road to healthful eating is not the food itself, but rather acquiring and using it. Today I want to offer a possible way to...
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