Reading food labels is the best way to purchase the healthiest foods for you and your family. Unfortunately, many people find it difficult, confusing, and even overwhelming to sort through the nutrition facts label...
The recent updates to the nutrition facts label show off a new, cleaner design that’s meant to make it easier to quickly identify useful information. The updates also reflect the most recent scientific research on the links between food choices and chronic disease so that you can make healthy, great-tasting choices for you and your family...
When you use these tools to plan your meals, steer your shopping, and affect your eating, you will be building a more balanced eating pattern that will in turn promote good health. What's not to love?
With clearer messages about the health impact and calorie content of drinks, people will often make more balanced choices. They just need to know more about what they?re drinking.
You may remember all the excitement surrounding the new gluten labeling guidelines, which regulate claims about whether a food contains gluten. We wanted to explore the ramifications of other claims on product labels, and while I was going through food articles, I found this gem about misleading "natural" food claims by NYU professor Marion Nestle. What does that "natural" label mean anyway?
Well, it's official. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized the definition of the term "gluten-free" and is regulating its use on food labels. No longer can manufacturers simply slap that label on their foods without following proper guidelines first...
Member-Only Articles
Reading Food Labels to Identify the Healthiest Foods
Reading food labels is the best way to purchase the healthiest foods for you and your family. Unfortunately, many people find it difficult, confusing, and even overwhelming to sort through the nutrition facts label...
Nutrition Label Update: Get More from the Label
The recent updates to the nutrition facts label show off a new, cleaner design that’s meant to make it easier to quickly identify useful information. The updates also reflect the most recent scientific research on the links between food choices and chronic disease so that you can make healthy, great-tasting choices for you and your family...
New Food Label Spotlight: 7 Months Before The New Label Is Here!
New qualified health claim for oleic acid on food packages
Two Tools: Using MyPlate and Nutrition Facts Labels to Boost Health
When you use these tools to plan your meals, steer your shopping, and affect your eating, you will be building a more balanced eating pattern that will in turn promote good health. What's not to love?
The 5 Mistakes of Label Reading
Make the most of the Nutrition Facts label by sidestepping these 5 common mistakes...
Beverage Calorie and Exercise Presentation
With clearer messages about the health impact and calorie content of drinks, people will often make more balanced choices. They just need to know more about what they?re drinking.
Breaking News: FDA's Menu Labeling Calorie Labeling Rules
The FDA has just released their guide to menu labeling, and this post has everything you need to know...
"Natural" as a Food Label: What Does It Mean?
You may remember all the excitement surrounding the new gluten labeling guidelines, which regulate claims about whether a food contains gluten. We wanted to explore the ramifications of other claims on product labels, and while I was going through food articles, I found this gem about misleading "natural" food claims by NYU professor Marion Nestle. What does that "natural" label mean anyway?
Hot News: "Gluten-Free" Now Standardized on Food Labels
Well, it's official. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized the definition of the term "gluten-free" and is regulating its use on food labels. No longer can manufacturers simply slap that label on their foods without following proper guidelines first...
Caffeine: What You Need to Know
Food Packages Make Best Displays
Beverage Calories: Are they Going to Waist?
Statins & Diabetes, Soda & Heart Disease
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