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Member-Only Articles
Resolutions into Solutions
How will you help your clients turn their resolutions into solutions? MyPlate offeres 2 key tips: focus on long-term solutions instead of quick fixes, and encourage self-assessment resources. Let's take a look at each one in more detail, shall we?
Meet SuperTracker!
Have you ever tried SuperTracker? It's a great health and wellness tool from the USDA. With the slogan "My foods. My fitness. My health." this resource is surprisingly versatile, with a wide variety of uses. Let's take a closer look!
Feeding a Teen Vegetarian in 3 Steps
As kids stake claims to their independence when it comes to eating, more tweens and teens are experimenting with vegetarian and vegan diets. Parents may be concerned that their children are undernourished when adopting these eating patterns, but they can rest easy. Kids can thrive on plant-based diets. All parents need are these 3 steps for feeding a tween or teen vegetarian…
Diet Swap Increases Risk of Colon Cancer in Two Weeks
If Americans stick with a diet that is far lower in fatty animal products and cholesterol and composed largely of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, then they will reduce the inflammation and other chemical changes that promote colon cancer.
Will My Child Get Diabetes?
While genetics plays a role in type 2 diabetes, you can lower the odds of your children developing the disease. Diabetes may run in families, but so do poor eating and exercise habits...
Fruits and Veggies More Matters Month: Frozen Fruits and Vegetables
Want a closer look at how to select, store, and use frozen veggies? You've come to the right place!
GMOs: A Health Distractor?
Do your clients ever ask you about GMOs? This hot-button issue has been dominating the media lately, and after chatting with one of our readers, I thought it was high time to make a handout that featured the facts.
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