Promoting the fact that children over the age of 2 can consume the same healthy diet as adults, while keeping servings and nutritional needs in mind, may move the needle on children’s food options...
Across America restaurants and retail businesses are beginning to reopen or expand operations. While we want to support these businesses, many people are leery of going out again. You can make choices to protect yourself by making good decisions on which restaurants or businesses to visit right now...
Many restaurants now offer gluten-free breads, pizza crusts, pasta, and desserts. However, a major issue that often isn’t addressed is cross-contamination, where foods containing gluten come into contact with gluten-free foods...
Studies show that people that eat out 3 or more times per week eat more fat, sodium and calories and fewer vitamins, minerals, and fiber than those that eat in. Stock your kitchen with nutritious foods to save your waistline and wallet!
Some health-minded people keep the saltshaker off the table, but it will probably take additional effort to get sodium intake down to recommended levels...
The House of Representatives has recently passed H.R. 2017, also known as the Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act of 2015. Let's take a closer look at it, shall we?
Check out this free preview of one of our most popular PowerPoint shows: Sodium Savvy! It features the latest information about sodium from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans...
Here's a quiz that you can use to show your clients how important it is to research calorie and nutrition information before they choose a meal in a restaurant. Some of the answers may surprise you!
While more research is needed to clarify the relative risk of various components of a typical modern Western diet for promoting excessive calorie intake, insulin resistance, the metabolic syndrome, and NAFLD it is likely that replacing refined sugars high in fructose with whole grains and starchy vegetables and cutting back on foods high in saturated fat and trans fat and refined grains is likely to improve insulin sensitivity and curtail the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area and also in the liver.
MyPlate is a great resource for making healthful, balanced meals. You probably knew that already. But did you know that following MyPlate can make a huge difference in "adjusting" prepared meals and making them better for you? With MyPlate's portion and proportion guidelines, a huge meal that was filled with empty calories can actually become balanced...
Member-Only Articles
Changing the Way Kids Eat: A Dietitian's Guide
Promoting the fact that children over the age of 2 can consume the same healthy diet as adults, while keeping servings and nutritional needs in mind, may move the needle on children’s food options...
What's the Deal with Kids' Menus?
Why are restaurant menus for kids loaded with ultra-processed foods?
Healthful Eating Tips for Travel
Can you eat healthfully while traveling for work or fun? Yes!
What is Safe? Some Common Sense Guidelines for Re-Opening
Across America restaurants and retail businesses are beginning to reopen or expand operations. While we want to support these businesses, many people are leery of going out again. You can make choices to protect yourself by making good decisions on which restaurants or businesses to visit right now...
The Cost of Convenience
Are packaged health foods in places like airports and amusement parks worth the price?
Choosing Gluten-Free Foods at Restaurants
Many restaurants now offer gluten-free breads, pizza crusts, pasta, and desserts. However, a major issue that often isn’t addressed is cross-contamination, where foods containing gluten come into contact with gluten-free foods...
Food Delivery? There's an App for That
New Restaurant Nutrition Guidelines
New restaurant nutrition labeling guidelines went into effect on May 7, 2018...
10 Cheap and Healthful Foods
Studies show that people that eat out 3 or more times per week eat more fat, sodium and calories and fewer vitamins, minerals, and fiber than those that eat in. Stock your kitchen with nutritious foods to save your waistline and wallet!
That Food Might Not Be As Salty As You Think
Some health-minded people keep the saltshaker off the table, but it will probably take additional effort to get sodium intake down to recommended levels...
News Update: Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act
The House of Representatives has recently passed H.R. 2017, also known as the Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act of 2015. Let's take a closer look at it, shall we?
Sodium Savvy
Check out this free preview of one of our most popular PowerPoint shows: Sodium Savvy! It features the latest information about sodium from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans...
Restaurant Revelations: Hidden Sources of Calories
Here's a quiz that you can use to show your clients how important it is to research calorie and nutrition information before they choose a meal in a restaurant. Some of the answers may surprise you!
Fructose Promotes Fatty Liver Accumulation
While more research is needed to clarify the relative risk of various components of a typical modern Western diet for promoting excessive calorie intake, insulin resistance, the metabolic syndrome, and NAFLD it is likely that replacing refined sugars high in fructose with whole grains and starchy vegetables and cutting back on foods high in saturated fat and trans fat and refined grains is likely to improve insulin sensitivity and curtail the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area and also in the liver.
Eat Dessert First!
Cheryle Jones Syracuse is back on the blog today, and this time she has some surprising weight control and dining out advice...
10 Portion Control Tips
Use these 10 tips to shrink portion sizes and decrease your calorie intake.
Restaurant Problems
MyPlate Makeovers: Fast Food Edition
MyPlate is a great resource for making healthful, balanced meals. You probably knew that already. But did you know that following MyPlate can make a huge difference in "adjusting" prepared meals and making them better for you? With MyPlate's portion and proportion guidelines, a huge meal that was filled with empty calories can actually become balanced...
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