Now that you're familiar with everything we covered in Can Active Phase Calorie Restriction Increase Life Span? it's time to explore the science behind it...
Restricting calories slows the aging process, keeps you thin, retards degenerative diseases and increases lifespan. The only challenge? Compliance of course!
Member-Only Articles
Can Active Phase Calorie Restriction Increase Life Span?
If you’re looking to extend your life, the timing and quantity of your meals may be the key...
How Active Phase Calorie Restriction Can Increase Life Span
Now that you're familiar with everything we covered in Can Active Phase Calorie Restriction Increase Life Span? it's time to explore the science behind it...
How can someone restrict calories THAT much?
Restricting calories slows the aging process, keeps you thin, retards degenerative diseases and increases lifespan. The only challenge? Compliance of course!
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