Eat More Plants and Less Meat: Here's How

Research that followed over 37,000 middle-aged Americans showed that those who ate the most plant protein were 27% less likely to die of any cause and nearly 30% less likely to diet of coronary heart disease than those who consumed the least amount of plant protein...

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budget, cooking, farmers market Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII budget, cooking, farmers market Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Freezer Magic: 8 Tips for Freezing Fruits and Vegetables

Did you take advantage of a store special on produce? Or perhaps you harvested a lot of items from your garden? Or did you simply buy too much produce to use in a week?Don't worry, there's good news about the bounty that is overflowing from your refrigerator and countertops, and the answer lies in your freezer. You can actually freeze a whole bunch of different fruits and vegetables to use later -- we'll show you how!

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budget, fruits and veggies Stephanie Ronco budget, fruits and veggies Stephanie Ronco

The Dirty Dozen and The Clean Fifteen

The Environmental Working Group analyzes pesticide residue testing data from the USDA and the FDA to develop an annual list of the 12 fruits and vegetables that are most likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues that may be harmful to health. That’s the dirty dozen. They also have a list of the “clean fifteen,” which are the foods that are least likely to be contaminated.

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