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Member-Only Articles
3 Cancer Risk Reduction Strategies
The National Cancer Institute has revealed that some risk factors for cancer can be controlled. Choosing the right health behaviors and preventing exposure to certain environmental risk factors can help prevent cancer development. In other words, taking steps can reduce your risk of cancer is possible. Let’s look at some specific strategies.
Update: No Added Sugars for Toddlers
The recently released Scientific Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee marks the first time that added sugars are addressed for infants and toddlers younger than 2 years old. The recommendation is simple: no added sugars from any source.
Toddlers and Added Sugars: What You Need to Know
A healthy diet with optimum amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy types of fats and proteins is crucial for infants and toddlers younger than age 2 to support growth and development...
Red Meat and the Health of the Earth
Update: The Scientific Report From The Dietary Guidelines for Americans Committee
A scientific report from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee is now available! Come see the highlights, the changes, and how you can affect how the next official edition is shaped...
Reminder: Public Comment Period for the Dietary Guidelines Closes Soon
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has offered its report for public comment and review, and all comments must be made before midnight EDT on May 8, 2014. That deadline is fast approaching, so get links to the report and the comment form today! It's all in this post...
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