If you’re replacing most or even all animal products with plants, it’s important to focus on three individual nutrients that are more prevalent in animal products...
Now that we've established that it’s important to focus on three individual nutrients that are more prevalent in animal products (zinc, iron, and vitamin B12) when eating a plant-based diet, it's time to look at ways to get enough of these nutrients.
Today we're going to take a closer look at which foods are associated with an increased risk of dementia, and which foods may help prevent risk of developing dementia...
In people already showing MCD it seems wise to check serum Hcy levels and if elevated recommend supplements of B-vitamins to lower serum Hcy levels. Dr. Douaud's study certainly suggests such supplements may slow the loss of grey matter and slow the rate of cognitive decline...
I want to shift the spotlight to whole grains. After all, if you're looking for a great way to boost your nutrient consumption while reducing your risk of chronic disease, whole grains are a fantastic resource...
Member-Only Articles
3 Key Nutrients for Plant-Based Eating
If you’re replacing most or even all animal products with plants, it’s important to focus on three individual nutrients that are more prevalent in animal products...
Get Enough Zinc, Iron, and B12 Each Day
Now that we've established that it’s important to focus on three individual nutrients that are more prevalent in animal products (zinc, iron, and vitamin B12) when eating a plant-based diet, it's time to look at ways to get enough of these nutrients.
Diet and Dementia
Today we're going to take a closer look at which foods are associated with an increased risk of dementia, and which foods may help prevent risk of developing dementia...
Can B Vitamins Reduce Senility?
In people already showing MCD it seems wise to check serum Hcy levels and if elevated recommend supplements of B-vitamins to lower serum Hcy levels. Dr. Douaud's study certainly suggests such supplements may slow the loss of grey matter and slow the rate of cognitive decline...
Kitchen Hacks: Selecting and Presenting Whole Grains
I want to shift the spotlight to whole grains. After all, if you're looking for a great way to boost your nutrient consumption while reducing your risk of chronic disease, whole grains are a fantastic resource...
B Vitamins Reduce Alzheimer's Disease
We're cracking the vault again, this time to give you Dr. James J. Kenney's take on the latest research about diet, B vitamins, and Alzheimer's...
Take it with a Grain of Himalayan Salt?
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