Is Sugar Now Public Enemy #1?

Singling out sugar as now being more responsible for raising BP and cholesterol levels than added salt and fat & cholesterol-rich animal products is clearly a gross distortion of what the best quality scientific data tells us is most likely true...

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Pasta Display and Activity Ideas:

When you choose whole grain options and healthful toppings, pasta can be part of a healthy eating pattern. Here are a few ideas to help turn this popular food into an engaging teaching tool!

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Tuber 102: The Facts Continue

The fun continues with another teeny-tiny excerpt from the course Plant-Based Eating Pattern: Vegetables. Here's Tuber 102...

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Eating More Fruits and Vegetables

Are you in a fruit and vegetable slump? It’s easy to get stuck eating the same things over and over. Green salad, tomatoes, carrots. Apples, bananas, grapes. Sound familiar? It may be time to mix things up!

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Diabetes Breakfast Buffet of Ideas

In this post, we summarized the latest research to make choosing a breakfast that will help you keep your energy levels up while feeling satisfied until lunch...

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Leafy Greens: A Closer Look

Today I'd like to offer you a special preview of the Building a Plant-Based Eating Pattern: Vegetables course with a quick excerpt from the exploration of leafy greens...

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Added Sugars Infographic

The American Heart Association recently released a statement that advises all children between the ages of 2 and 18 to consume no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugars per day. That's sage advice, but sometimes it can be a bit tough to follow....

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