Kitchen Hacks: 2-Minute Berry Compote

At the end of the week, I often have berries that are becoming a little too soft to eat unadorned. Rather than throwing them away, here's what I do...

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How to Create a Super Salad

The 2015-2020 edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that the average person consume 2 cup equivalents of fruit per day and 2 ½ cup equivalents of vegetables per day. That may seem like a pile of produce, but there is a simple way to add fruits and vegetables into your eating patterns to maintain a healthy lifestyle...

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Boost Breakfast with Egg Cups!

Most mornings, a wholesome breakfast is sacrificed for extra sleep or racing the clock to get out of the house on time. However, nutrition doesn't need to be neglected if we plan ahead! Power up your breakfast with an easy recipe for egg cups and sacrifice nothing...

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Food Allergy Awareness Resources for Educators

Get ready for Food Allergy Awareness Week with this collection of allergy education resources. It's packed with free handouts, engaging presentations, collections of scientific research, and much more!

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practitioner ideas and..., weight control Stephanie Ronco practitioner ideas and..., weight control Stephanie Ronco

Does Mindfulness Training Aid Weight Loss?

Neither this study nor the preponderance of prior research on the efficacy of adding mindfulness training to a weight loss program has demonstrated significantly greater weight loss or better long term weight control than a typical weight loss program incorporating diet, exercise, and some cognitive behavioral training for getting patients to lose more weight or keep off the lost weight.

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Make Small Dietary Shifts

People need to shift to healthier food and drink choices. Today, let’s look at exactly what that means for the dietary components that can put your health at risk.

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5 Foods People with Diabetes Shouldn't Fear

Diabetes shouldn’t have you fearing your food! Too many people give up delicious, nutritious foods because they have some vague idea that blood sugars go wonky when they eat certain things. Have no fear! While it’s a good idea to limit baked goods and greasy fast food, you can nearly always find room for nutrient-dense foods like these.

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