Whipped Cream: You Can Make It at Home!

Whipped cream is the perfect way to make a dish look polished and tasty. Plus, when used in moderation, it's a great flavor and texture booster. Check out my tried-and-true whipped cream tips in this members-only post!

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Pastry Brushes: Snacking's Trump Card

Sometimes all you need to pep up a snack is a little bit of pizazz. Instead of pouring a bit of dip or a dollop of nut butter into a dish to put on the side of your snack, consider making it into a line on the plate and arranging the rest of the snack on top of it. How do you make this look its best? With a pastry brush, of course!

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5 Tips for a Healthful Vegetarian Lifestyle

Building a healthful vegetarian diet is about so much more than making sure that meat isn’t on the plate. That’s why I’d like to take a closer look at ways to make sure that a vegetarian eating plan is balanced and nutritious.

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Tuna: What Do You Know About It?

Remember when you could buy tuna canned in water or oil and these were the only options? Now the choices seem endless. Can or pouch? Light, albacore, or yellowfin? Lemon Dill or Spicy Thai Chili? Add in nutrition concerns like sodium and omega-3 fatty acids, and buying a simple can of tuna can be overwhelming! To cut through all the craziness, let’s take a closer look at tuna…

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