dietary guidelines, cooking, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco dietary guidelines, cooking, weight control, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Summer Fun and New Resources: Part One

This summer has been an especially busy one here at Food and Health Communications, and I want to make sure that you don't miss a single thing that could make your life easier! We've been researching, recipe testing, and starting new projects all summer long, devoting ourselves to exciting products that can breathe new life into nutrition education. So, what have we been up to?

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3 Simple Tips for Portion Control

MyPlate is a fantastic guide to balanced eating, but did you know that it can help with portion control too? Yes, balancing your plate is important, but if that plate is the size of a football field, the meal won't be as healthful. It's just too much food. Serving size matters, and moderation is key.

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makeovers, myplate Stephanie Ronco makeovers, myplate Stephanie Ronco

MyPlate Makeovers: Fast Food Edition

MyPlate is a great resource for making healthful, balanced meals. You probably knew that already. But did you know that following MyPlate can make a huge difference in "adjusting" prepared meals and making them better for you? With MyPlate's portion and proportion guidelines, a huge meal that was filled with empty calories can actually become balanced...

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myplate Stephanie Ronco myplate Stephanie Ronco

Happy Birthday to MyPlate!

MyPlate’s birthday is here! Did you know that the USDA released its new food icon on June 2, 2011? How are you going to celebrate MyPlate’s birthday ?

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breakfast, fruits and veggies, kids, myplate Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII breakfast, fruits and veggies, kids, myplate Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

School Lunch Videos

Here are 2 new videos to help kids learn how to make a proper breakfast and lunch tray for the new school lunch rules. Nutritional Standards in the National School Lunch and Breakfast program require most schools to increase the availability of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free and low-fat fluid milk in school meals; reduce the levels of sodium, saturated fat and trans fat in meals; and meet the nutrition needs of school children within their calorie requirements.

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kids, myplate Stephanie Ronco kids, myplate Stephanie Ronco

School Lunches: A Look at New Policy

Thanks to the Healthy Hungry Kids Act of 2010, there are big changes coming to school lunches near you. School lunches must now align more closely with USDA standards, which can be a bit of a daunting task. That's why we're here -- to make this transition easier. Let's start with our series of colorful and creative posters that are great resources for school lunch planning. Want to meet them?

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cooking, myplate Stephanie Ronco cooking, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Eat Healthfully with Diabetes

November is American Diabetes Month, which makes today an excellent time to learn more about living healthfully with diabetes. After all, meal planning can be tricky, and it's key to have several nutritious snacks every day. So what exactly should go on your plate if you have diabetes? Why, that's why we're here -- to help you make a healthful, balanced plate at every meal!

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Top Seven Cooking Lessons

Here at Food and Health Communications, we just love to cook. Lately, we've been thinking about the most important cooking lessons for a healthful lifestyle, which led us to create our Top Seven Cooking Lessons for Health series. This free set of nutrition handouts is chock full of useful information. It covers everything from crafting the best bowl of oatmeal to steaming vegetables perfectly.

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cooking, myplate Stephanie Ronco cooking, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Cran Razzle Tea

MyPlate's summer message is to replace sugary drinks with water. There are tons of tasty ways to follow that advice, but one of our favorites is this delicious Cran Razzle Tea.

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dietary guidelines, cooking, myplate Stephanie Ronco dietary guidelines, cooking, myplate Stephanie Ronco

Use MyPlate for a Great Fourth of July

Who doesn't love the Fourth of July? The food, the fireworks, the fun with friends and family -- all of these elements combine to make this holiday fun and memorable. However, in all the hullabaloo, it can be difficult to make healthful decisions. Luckily, MyPlate is full of great tips and tricks for having an exciting and healthful celebration.

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cooking, myplate Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII cooking, myplate Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Healthy BBQ Plate

This delicious barbecue dinner incorporates a chicken fajita theme with the addition of peppers, onions and spicy seasonings for the kabobs. The veggies roast right along with the skewers so you have a great tasting dinner without the heat and mess in your kitchen. And this is a MyPlate meal so you have all the nutrients you need in the calories allotted!

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