New Way to Engage Your Clients: Set Up a Challenge!

A contest is a perfect way to boost motivation, increase participant engagement, and improve information retention. That's why I want to share an excerpt from my favorite fruit and vegetable resource, the Fruit and Vegetable Challenge Program. Check out the great new handouts and fantastic research...

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Strategies for Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

The post Fill Half Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables at Each Meal highlighted the importance of filling your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal. Now we're going to discuss how to do it.

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Feeding a Teen Vegetarian in 3 Steps

As kids stake claims to their independence when it comes to eating, more tweens and teens are experimenting with vegetarian and vegan diets. Parents may be concerned that their children are undernourished when adopting these eating patterns, but they can rest easy. Kids can thrive on plant-based diets. All parents need are these 3 steps for feeding a tween or teen vegetarian…

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4 Tips for Feeding Vegetarians

Catering to the individual needs of eaters can be a difficult challenge, even for the most well-prepared cooks. When a member of the house is a vegetarian, creating meals that are both nourishing for the vegetarian and suitable for the meat-and-potatoes crowd can seem almost impossible. But, with these four tips, feeding a vegetarian in a meat-eating household is as easy as 1, 2, 3 (and 4)!

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More 3-Step Recipes for You and Your Clients

Here are 2 3-step recipes that are perfect for client counseling sessions, handouts, and cooking demonstrations. I hope you like them!

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4 Strategies for Stress-Free Meals

Make it easier for your clients to get healthful and balanced meals on the table every night with this handy guide! Be sure to read all the way to the end -- today's post has free recipe links, a new PDF handout, and so much more!

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Packed Lunches Can Pack a Nutritional Punch

August is Back-To-School Month, Kids Eat Right Month, and Sandwich Month! What better way to celebrate all these occasions than with a brand-new article about packing healthful lunches? Beth Rosen, MS, RD, CDN, has all the details...

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